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Match Programs

Detroit Match Program 2024

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Match funds remaining


Match funds allocated


Matched donations




Up to $2,000 in donations will be matched for the community projects led by Detroiters, for Detroiters.Our ioby community is full of helpers. Neighborhood leaders, unofficial mayors of the block, people like you who want to step up to do what’s right, lend a hand and make positive local change in your neighborhoods. Whether you're a student with an amazing idea, urban farmer, social justice activist, artist, or a motivated neighbor looking to make a difference within your own community, ioby’s Detroit Match Fund is a way to double your donations and make a meaningful impact within your own neighborhood. Donors are matched instantly up to $400, and projects can access up to $2,000 in matching funds, until the program ends. Share your project idea to talk to us!Donations are matched up to $400 per donor, and participating organizations can access up to $2,000 until the match program ends. 

Crowdfunding Support

When you crowdfund with the ioby Detroit Match Program, you'll get:
  • Our free resources and guidance for how to crowdfund.
  • A one-on-one ioby crowdfunding coach to teach you how to successfully raise donations.
  • While you crowdfund, donations will be doubled instantly. (Up to $400 per donation and $2,000 per project.)
  • We offer fiscal sponsorship to groups that are not a 501c3. 
  • Our fees are very low because we are a nonprofit.


To access the ioby Detroit Match Fund, the project that you are fundraising for must:1. Be based within Detroit city limits, including Highland Park and Hamtramck.2. Provide an accessible, public benefit or service to the residents of any Detroit neighborhood(s).3. Be led by a resident, nonprofit, neighborhood group, school, or informal community committee in Detroit.4. Not be aimed at private profit for a specific individual, family, or business (for example, an individual's medical expenses, or business start up costs).5. Be implemented by December 2024. This funding is intended to fund urgent, immediate projects.6. To receive match funds, campaigns must finish and cash-out by November 30, 2024. Here's 
  • ioby policy requires that match participants achieve a minimum of five distinct donors in order to cash out with matching funds. 
7. Be led by any of these:
  • a local nonprofit (including 501c3s, schools, government agencies, or places of worship),
  • an individual/informal group with a local nonprofit fiscal sponsor to steward funds on their behalf,
  • or an individual/informal group for which ioby is serving as fiscal sponsor.



  • Because all ioby projects must have a public benefit, projects that benefit one specific individual, family, or business are NOT eligible.
  • Projects involving: political campaigning, lobbying, or contributions to political campaigns are NOT eligible.
  • Fundraising for a pool of funds to be re-granted to others or used for an unspecified purpose in the future is NOT eligible.
  • General operating support or funding new staff hires for nonprofits is NOT eligible.
  • ioby may determine a project ineligible at any time.