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Organization Name
The Church of the River (First Unitarian Church of Memphis)
About Us
As part of the liberal Unitarian Universalist denomination, we’re a diverse, progressive and caring congregation. We care about social justice, the environment and each other. We welcome you no matter where you come from, what color your skin is or who you love. Our congregational covenant states: “The purpose of this church shall be to promote the high ideals of a rational, progressive, and exalting religion, in the love of God and service to humanity, and to hold regular church services in this community. To this end, all activities of the church shall be conducted without distinction related to race, color, sexual orientation, gender identity, or previous religious affiliations; and the right of private judgment and the sacredness of individual conviction shall be recognized in all things. To join our church is to walk with other members of the congregation in the spirit of our covenant.”
We Participate Because
We seek to be good neighbors in our community, working for more justice and more love in our own lives and in the world.