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Miriam Parson: Building a movement in Pittsburgh

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Published February 13, 2019

We talk a lot about building a movement of positive civic change here at ioby, but how do you do that? The thing is, organizing your community around a project that strengthens the neighborhood is no easy task. But it gets a little easier when you realize many of our neighbors are already doing this work, and already have great ideas to strengthen their communities; our movement is about the tools and support leaders need, connecting neighbors with one another, and working to make getting good done a natural response for even more people.

Here in Pittsburgh, our movement is already starting to catch fire thanks to leaders like you, and 6,000 other neighbors who have played a part in an ioby project in Pittsburgh. That’s 2% of the entire city!

That’s a lot of people who have started projects, volunteered to strengthen our communities, and raised over $450,000 for projects across Pittsburgh. That’s a big deal. As one person discovers the power of taking action in our backyards, and tells others about how positive it was, our movement for positive civic change grows and grows.

ioby Pittsburgh

Explore the stories of people who are championing our movement of positive civic change in Pittsburgh:

Rev. Eleanor Williams and the Northside Resource Partnership
These days, to access things like grocery stores, employment counseling, or healthcare–in Rev. Williams’ Northside Pittsburgh neighborhood, you would have to travel all the way across town. But she and the Northside Partnership Project coalition crowdfunded over $10,000 to create a new hub to serve as a one stop shop; a neighbor-grown solution to support their community. Read more

Emily Carlson and Art in the Garden
Emily Carlson helps run Art in the Garden, a youth summer program in Borland Garden that uses art and a community garden to help kids in her community develop key social and emotional skills. She rallied her community to crowdfund over $8,000 to deepen the program’s impact. Read more

Elizabeth Chitester and the Pittsburgh Liberty Interfaith Choir
Elizabeth crowdfunded to form the Liberty Interfaith Choir, and “use music with a mostly white, middle class population to discuss social issues like race, gender discrimination, and sexuality.” It’s a powerful way to bridge differences and build community. Read more

ioby Pittsburgh

These are the citizen leaders we walk alongside everyday here at ioby so that they can grow the “next big thing” with their neighbors and be proactive about getting good done in our communities. This is where our movement starts, and grows.

So we’re excited that over 6,000 Pittsburghers have started their own ioby campaign, or donated their time or money to one. We’re proud of the work we do every day supporting leaders as they get good done wherever they are. It isn’t easy to make positive change, but we’re here to back you up as you make it happen. After all, our democracy thrives when we all pitch in. Here in Pittsburgh, we’re excited to be a tool in your toolbelt to create a thriving future for everyone in our city. And we’re excited that Pittsburghers are as excited about ioby as we are, and are growing a powerful movement for positive civic change.


Want to be part of our growing movement? Share your idea at, and we’ll provide all the tools you need to successfully crowdfund your project.