DMF Youth Summer Camp 2023

Join DMF Youth in bringing joyful summer programs to NYC's most deserving students! 

NEEDS: $3,400 of 10,215

Let's Make Music Happen

Provide free music classes to the community for all ages, with a concentration on at risk youth.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,155

Help Owl's Head Park

Save the trees at Owl's Head Park. 

Help the grounds of Owl's Head Park to thrive. 

Support the greening efforts of the volunteers at Owl's Head Park.

NEEDS: $1,153 of 1,523 + Volunteers

Eagle Slope Community Garden

Eagle Slope Community Garden: a place for the community to come together to learn, grow, and enjoy nature and healthy living.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,210

Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi

Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi - A delightful evening showcasing the best of Bengal's cultural heritage through song, dance and verse & welcoming the Bengali new year 

NEEDS: $0 of 3,093

7th Annual International Kids Film It Festival

The Kids Film It Festival is a film festival and contest for films made by kids. It also raises money for the Michael J. Fox Foundation to teach kids the impact of philanthropy combined with a passion.

NEEDS: $0 of 2,940 + Volunteers

Herbalism scholarship fund

We are creating structures that funnel access to skills, information, and resources back to the people it came from. This scholarship is for budding indigenous and BIPOC herbalists in Greater Cincinnati.

NEEDS: $16,304 of 16,304 + Volunteers
Girl playing capoeira

Capoeira Festival Part 2

Capoeira Festival Part 2, this time with special youth activities including a skills competition, plus special classes and rodas for kids and adults, performances, and student promotions.

NEEDS: $0 of 6,599 + Volunteers
Graffiti for Good's  For the People Pioneers of American Street Art

For The People

Pioneers of American Street Culture

NEEDS: $70,126 of 70,126 + Volunteers

MIND your own MUSIC

Join this interactive music class with your child.  

NEEDS: $0 of 2,065

2023 Evolution of Soul

Songstress Elissa Carmona will present Sing with SOUL and the 2023 Evolution of Soul, a soul-stirring five-concert series from March through September with the award-winning Morrisania Band Project.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,580

"Together We Will..."

Together We Will... is a public outdoor exhibition featuring works by Brooklyn based LGBTQIA+ artists displaying art that celebrates  their community. 

NEEDS: $0 of 6,000

"Cleveland's Best Talent Competition

Music can change the world, because it can change people. "We want to inspire and motivate our audience with exceptional performances and uplifting music. "Our aim is to put the message in the music.

NEEDS: $0 of 2,178 + Volunteers


Support A movie that explores mental health for men through the lens of the underground dance scene in Cleveland.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,155
Participants at community design session

Coventry Living Room Project

Creating a public gathering space that strengthens the sense of community in Coventry Village. 

NEEDS: $0 of 6,522


This event is and event solely based of Emotions and how you connect with the music. There will be community, music, giveaways, food, and more. Hope to see you guys there!

NEEDS: $19,695 of 19,695
Volunteers at Calvary's "Basement Church"

Help Our Neighbors

Calvary believes in making God's love visible in downtown Memphis, so join us to fund emergency help for our neighbors this summer. And right now your donations are doubled! 

NEEDS: $0 of 4,061 + Volunteers

Help Keep Charlton Plaza Beautiful

Charlton Plaza – the small public park at the northwest corner of Charlton and Sixth – is a gem in our neighborhood. We are seeking your financial support to keep it beautiful this summer.

NEEDS: $0 of 11,527 + Volunteers
The words "Disabled and Loved Fest 2023" are written in baby pink letters that are outlined in black and are in front of a dark blue background with white stars.

Disabled and Loved Fest

Disabled and Loved Fest is a pre-recorded online festival for streaming that platforms disabled artists, musicians and business owners as well as resources for disabled and high risk people.

NEEDS: $0 of 1,984

Paint and Chat

Art class for young girls to express emotions, build confidence and relieve stress. An opportunity to address critical issues and learn calming, soothing art techniques while engaging in meaningful conversations.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,580 + Volunteers
A student hosting an art work by Ashley Alcime

Students Host Art in Their Homes

We will go to high school to bring art prints from local BIPOC artists which the students can host in their home for 3 to 4 months.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,712 + Volunteers


At BLK BLVD, representation matters. Our goal is to help Black entrepreneurs bypass gatekeepers, intermediaries, and systemically oppressive systems to create genuine relationships with like-minded individuals.

NEEDS: $6,467 of 6,522
The Society Events

Society Fundraiser

Winton Hills Brick City Fundraiser for Community Projects in this Historically Black Community.

NEEDS: $0 of 1,900 + Volunteers

Imhotep STEM Lab Phase 2

The Imhotep STEM Lab of Avalon Village will serve the youth of Highland Park and Detroit Michigan, bridge the gap between education and access to solar jobs industry. 

NEEDS: $20,000 of 20,000 + Volunteers
Be a Recycle Here!

Help Us Help You Help The Planet!

Recycle Here! has been awarded a grant from the State of Michigan to purchase a baler so we can accept plastic bags so they can be recycled. We need to provide matching funds to complete this grant!

NEEDS: $0 of 7,860
YTC provides opportunities for inclusion of differently-abled adults.

Changing the Complainable to Sustainable

 The mission of Your Turn Consignment is to provide a positive selling and shopping experience while encouraging community building and compassion for local charities.


NEEDS: $3,941 of 4,096 + Volunteers

UPcyled Fashion: The second shop

We will create a sustainable way for people in our community to aid in upcycling their clothing and keeping fashion circular.

NEEDS: $23,196 of 23,196
Roberto Clemente Baseball League

Roberto Clemente League

Revitalizing the Roberto Clemente League in Cleveland, Ohio with quality baseball. Impact will be for 288 Cleveland Youth.

NEEDS: $0 of 12,500 + Volunteers

Dad, Draw with me!

We intend to serve and supply fathers of our community with an opportunity to bond, express together through visuals, create, learn, and have fun with art while spending quality time with their sons.

NEEDS: $0 of 2,990
