MODEL Gardeners 2021

Igniting, empowering, and unifying women and young ladies from garden to kitchen, from seed to sale.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,209 + Volunteers
A distribution center volunteer sorts donated produce into packages on a table.

PRWA Distribution Center - Spring Drive

Help to support PRWA, as we continue to deliver Care Packages and resources to restaurant households afected by Covid-19.

NEEDS: $0 of 1,413 + Volunteers

Summer Performance Series

Broadway talent will be bustin'out all over during the West 132nd Street Community Garden Summer Performance Series!



NEEDS: $0 of 6,720 + Volunteers

Summer in the Square

Outdoor music events for the whole community all summer long in Stuyvesant Square Park!

NEEDS: $0 of 1,720 + Volunteers

5PM Porch Community Music Program

A JPMP neighborhood teaching/performing story/song program for students and local career musicians in Kensington and Flatbush, Brooklyn.

NEEDS: $0 of 2,774 + Volunteers
Get your tickets to the2021 Miss HBCU Teen Scholarship Pageant

The Miss HBCU Teen Scholarship Pageant

We provide scholarships, resources and support to girls of color to ensure that they are empowered, excel during their college years, and advance successfully into their careers.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,285 + Volunteers

"We're Still Here..."

We're Still Here... is a outdoor exhibition featuring portraits of Brooklyn residents celebrating the resilience, strength, and diversity of the community. 

NEEDS: $0 of 6,545 + Volunteers

International Village Wildlife Museum

Art Ledger is the first African-American taxidemist to own a private taxidermy business in the U.S. He is transforming his shop on West 48th Street into a museum, which will feature native Ohio wildlife.

NEEDS: $0 of 8,325 + Volunteers

Father Fagan Park 2021 Flower Fund

When public parks thrive, neighborhoods thrive. FFP needs the community's support to remain a green, clean, and flowering oasis for residents and visitors to enjoy.  

NEEDS: $0 of 15,495 + Volunteers
AC Valley Community Farm Concept Sketch

AC Valley School Farm

School farm will allow students, teachers, and other community members to learn and grow side-by-side.

NEEDS: $0 of 684 + Volunteers
Carrie Harper, Fundraiser

The Caught Up Project

A New Way To Life through Christ to recover from the consequences of a lifetime of poor choices.

NEEDS: $0 of 200 + Volunteers

PRWA Spring Thaw Flash Campaign

The snow is finally melting! With a generous matching fund from IOBY, every donation up to $500 will be doubled, helping us to quickly raise funds to support our PRWA Distribution Center.

NEEDS: $0 of 10,215 + Volunteers
Teddy Bear Project:  SUNDAYS@11

Bronx River Wildflower Corridor

SUNDAYS@11 is planting 4000 wildflowers each year to beautify Bronx River and it's neighboring communities.  Our group is seeking to aquire funds for seed starting over 45 species native to NYC.


NEEDS: $0 of 3,295 + Volunteers

Little Free Diverse Libraries & Murals

Promoting the stories of black, brown and Indigenious authors by circulating their books through Little Free Diverse Libraries. 

NEEDS: $0 of 6,386 + Volunteers
Interior of The Mark sactuary

Save the Mark

Help us save St. Mark Church by making your mark. Show your support and spread this message of opportunity to others who are looking to preserve a vital piece of the heart and soul of our Cincinnati community.

NEEDS: $0 of 3,127 + Volunteers
Site of native woodland garden.

Native Garden for J. Hood Wright Park

We are fundraising to purchase native plants for a new garden.  

The park is located in upper Manhattan's Washington Heights neighborhood from W173rd to W176th Streets.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,191 + Volunteers

Starving Artists 2 Working Artists

Blockcityp2c is a social network and sales platform that allows artists to build a fan base and earn income by offering rewards online. We will use a team of real people and AI to make certain all members are real persons

NEEDS: $0 of 2,930 + Volunteers
PVCG Members

East Harlem Double Composting HOTBOX System

We have experienced an increase in food scrap drop off since the pandemic.  We need a new system to handle this amount of processing . The dual hotbox bin system will provide us the relief our volunteers need. 

NEEDS: $0 of 4,096 + Volunteers

DMF Youth End-of-Year Campaign

Help fund DMF Youth's dance and life-skill development afterschool program in the New Year! Your donation will support our virtual programs and a new partnership with a school in East Harlem! 

NEEDS: $0 of 5,117 + Volunteers

GS Mutual Aid

A grassroots mutual aid network supporting the most vulnerable and at-risk members of our community during the COVID-19 crisis– immigrant and undocumented families.

NEEDS: $0 of 6,197 + Volunteers

Proud Astorian Volunteer Cleanup

Organizing volunteer cleanups in Astoria, Queens and helping improve sanitation conditions to prevent the spread of Covid-19 our NYC neighborhood.

NEEDS: $0 of 979 + Volunteers

Sound Home Animal Sanctuary

Our vision is to develop a small-scale animal rescue program as part of the growing worldwide network of microsanctuaries. Our startup campaign seeks funds for supplies, equipment, outreach, and 501(c)3 registration.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,435 + Volunteers

Help NYC drivers launch a platform cooperative

*We're increasing our goal to $20K! Every dollar helps!* We are New York City for-hire drivers. We are starting our own driver-owned rideshare platform. 

NEEDS: $0 of 25,000 + Volunteers
Macaela the pantry's founder standing outside our location on Steinway St.

Astoria Food Pantry

A grocery store for the people, where everything is free and no ID is required.

A space for the community, where we can share our resources and organize for everyone's needs to be met.

NEEDS: $0 of 48,000 + Volunteers

Brownsville Nosh

An event promoting healthy eating & wellness, providing warm clothes & help during trying times, sharing the area's dramatic history.



NEEDS: $0 of 3,711 + Volunteers

Woodhill Co-Op Pop Ups!

Restoring health, pride and a sense of belonging in the Buckeye Woodhill neighborhood, through PPE distribution, and working long-term to establish a community-owned laundromat.

NEEDS: $0 of 5,178 + Volunteers
