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Youth Self Care

Providing resources and activities for social and emotional support for children and families.


Lovely Pruiett


ferry Park detroit, MI 48204

About the project

In 2020 our families were hit with Traumatic Change due to covid 19 in their social life by having to stay home with no social-emotional support from peers that they looked to as their safe person other than their parents. Parents were also now working from home with no mental break from their children due to everyone having to be inside. Due to this a lot of children and adults became more stressed with no understanding of how to release their stress or communicate with Conflict Resolution. We owe it to ourselves and community to heal with solutions.

We have created a safe space for sharing awareness, being engaged and having fun around mental and physical health. We strive to share knowledge and resources for children and families to take home and use everyday. Our goal is to connect community residents with community leaders that specialize in mentoring, goal setting. therapy, yoga and other mental and physical health resources.

The Steps

1st week- submission and send emails for zoom meeting with vendors

2nd week- Make phone calls for flyer design and reserve vendors

3rd week- pass out flyers and launch fundraising

4th week- prepare event checklist and sign in sheet, volunteer list, purchase items and prepare hygiene kits

Why we‘re doing it

Lack of Mental Awareness and self care can have a huge impact in our community. We believe in order for our families to engage positively as a whole in our communities we must provide a safe and interactive space for families and community to heal together as one. 

$2,012.00 / $2,012.00