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YH Arts Education Scholarship and Professional Stipend

Yellow House NYC’s hope is to make the arts more accessible and bring them into local communities by awarding funds to deserving artists and students.


Stephanie Kelley


187 15th St Brooklyn, NY 11215

Impact areas

About the project

Yellow House NYC’s hope is to make the arts more accessible and bring them into local communities by awarding funds to deserving artists and art students.

Tickets, boarding & transportation for visits to prospective colleges can get expensive and struggling families in your area are financially unable to pay the cost for their student to spend time at school that excels in the arts- touring the campus & auditioning. Art students also have expenses above most students at college:  plays & scripts, film, canvas, paint, dance shoes, etc.  Scholarships can help pay for costs incurred when auditioning for & attending colleges or for professional art courses through summer programs in your community.  You never know- your neighborhood may house the next Louis Armstrong!

YH also offers funds for professional artists to put up a new project & help strengthen the arts within their community.  Whether that be a new play/musical, visual show, dance or music concert, etc - individuals & groups that don’t have a nonprofit status are able to apply for funds that will help to get their works off the ground.   How amazing would it be to know that a local artist received a stipend from Yellow House so that he/she could paint a stunning mural on the walls of your local community garden?  How great would it be to see a local dance troupe have the ability to perform at your annual arts fair?  We think that would be pretty rockin’ and we hope you do, too!

The Steps

All the applications for scholarships and professional stipends (applications are found on our webiste & marketed through our social media campaign and word of mouth) will be read and reviewed on an bi-annual basis and awarded by our Board of Directors.  Financial reporting on all monies received will to be recorded by the persons and groups that receive YH funds and returned to YH as part of a final report within a timely manner.  YH will keep a very close and nurturing relationship with all of its recipients & will feature them on all our social media and marketing. 

Professional Stipend applications are due at the end of August and artists will be awarded funds in October 2013.  The deadline for annual Educational Grants is January 30th and awardees will be notified in February 2013.

Why we‘re doing it

The arts are a social necessity.  They are what binds us as a people and a community.  Over the years government funding for the arts has been cut by nearly 70%.  It is up to Yellow House NYC and other nonprofits like us to make the arts a vital part of community life once again.  Yellow House consistently engages the general public with new ideas and events and promotes recognition and appreciation of the arts within each community in the United States.  It is our hope to unite all of the various art forms (theatre, film, dance, painting, printmaking, sculpture, etc.) into a cohesive artistic community that would enrich the lives of all of our citizens.

$1,401.00 still needed of $5,185.00