project leader
Kemit H
228 Lousie
(Highland Park)
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the project

I'm excited to present a compelling vision for a garden oasis that would become a symbol of creative expression and community bonding. My aim is to breathe life into a whole new garden village, an imaginative space that allows all those beautiful ideas resting in my heart to unfurl and bloom. 

Imagine a place bustling with vibrant murals, mesmerizing art installations, picturesque flower gardens, and bountiful food crops. Envision shared meals around fire pits, tucked among thoughtfully placed hammocks, chairs, and rocks. Picture flowing waterfalls, secure fencing, and spaces designed for retreats and gatherings. The village will feature greenhouses, repurposed shipping containers, tranquil ponds, and harness renewable energy through solar panels. Expect to walk under fruit trees, pick berries from bushes, and enjoy the melodic tinkle of wind chimes. This dreamy, welcoming sanctuary will emanate pure, good vibes.

Recently, I've been fortunate to receive funds from the Detroit Black Farmer Land Fund, a milestone that greatly facilitates purchasing the lots and initiating this project in earnest. This financial backing enables me to secure the land and invest in necessary infrastructure this year. Additional funds would expedite the process, allowing me to swiftly assemble tools, cover any remaining land and property costs, and effectively get this grand plan off the ground.

As a descendant of legacy farmers at Ohana Gardens, I bring with me rich, agricultural heritage. We've already established a majority of the listed amenities in our family space. Now, it's time for me, the next generation, to carry the torch forward, and your support could make all the difference.

the steps


Here's a look at the planned steps:

1. **Initial Expansion** - Secure additional resources to enhance the current Ohana Garden's maintenance and creativity. This includes developing another greenhouse, painting fresh art installations, expanding flower gardens, improving fencing, adding mosquito netting for our hoop house, and welcoming more chairs, table cloths, chair covers, and tables.

2. **Land Acquisition** - Prepare to purchase vacant land and property in Highland Park from the Wayne County auction in August 2023.

3. **Infrastructure Development** - Set up efficient watering systems, composting units, and arrange soil, fencing, tree planting, row/raised beds, and flower gardens. Craft an organized blueprint for the active space.

4. **Sustainable Investments** - Purchase shipping containers, solar panels, greenhouses, and lay the foundation for a pond and an outdoor shed.

This isn't just a project, it's a vibrant dream that's ready to take root and flourish. Join me as we bring this ambitious vision to life!

why we're doing it

Why This Is Important to Me:

This garden oasis is more than a project to me; it's an embodiment of my deepest passions, lifelong dreams, and the legacy I inherited from the seasoned farmers of my family. It is my heart's canvas, where I will paint with the vibrant colors of nature, expressing my creativity and bringing my unique vision to life. 

Growing up in the lap of Ohana Gardens, I've been intertwined with the earth and its bounty since childhood. The transformation of a tiny seed into a robust plant, the symphony of colors in a flower bed, the delicate balance of ecosystems - these were the melodies of my upbringing. Today, I want to continue that harmonious relationship, extend it beyond my family's borders, and share it with the wider community. This garden oasis is not just about growing plants; it's about cultivating my roots, honoring my past, and seeding a fruitful future.

Why This Is Needed in the Community:

Our community thrives on unity, shared experiences, and common spaces, and a garden oasis can provide all of this and more. Amidst the concrete and glass of our urban setting, we need a natural haven where we can breathe, connect, and rejuvenate. This project will be that sanctuary, offering not just green spaces but also fostering togetherness, well-being, and a greater connection with nature.

Beyond being a beautiful retreat, the garden will contribute to our community's self-sustainability. With fruit trees, berry bushes, and food crops, it will supply fresh, organic produce - a stride towards food security and healthier diets. 

The art installations and murals will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also promote local artists, providing them a platform to showcase their talents. The solar panels, composting units, and water barrels will encourage and demonstrate sustainable living practices.

In essence, the garden oasis will be an outdoor classroom, a space for celebration, a canvas for creativity, a source of nourishment, and a model of sustainability. It's not just what our community wants, it's what our community needs.



1. Compost, Hay, Burlap Bags:$500
   - Innovative Approach: Source compost from community waste. Use hay and burlap bags from local farms that would otherwise discard these materials.

2. Paint, Wood Fencing, Murals, Art Installations, Draping Fabric:$1000
   - Innovative Approach: Crowdfund for art supplies and engage local artists to donate their time for murals and installations. Use reclaimed wood for fencing.

3. Water Barrels, Drip Irrigation, Raised Beds:$1000
   - Innovative Approach:Use reclaimed materials for raised beds and water barrels. DIY drip irrigation system using affordable materials like PVC pipes.

4. Rocks for Pond, Bricks, Lawnmower: $500
   - Innovative Approach: Source rocks and bricks from construction sites or community members. Share a lawnmower with another community project or seek a donation.

5. Shipping Containers, Green Houses, Solar Panels:$1000
   - Innovative Approach:Seek corporate sponsorships for shipping containers and solar panels. Use community labor to convert these into greenhouses, thereby saving on labor costs.

Total Budget: $4000


ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 5% $214.11
ioby Donation Processing Fee 3% $68.09
TOTAL TO RAISE $4,282.20
Donation processing fees apply to donations only. 100% of match funding goes to projects. Please note, fees are estimated here and final numbers may change based on the final amount raised and amount of match funding applied to this campaign.


TOTAL RAISED $4,282.20
ioby Fiscal Sponsorship Fee 5% $214.11
ioby Donation Processing Fee 3% $68.47



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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


  • Anonymous
  • Anonymous
  • Tzu Pore
  • Keith H.
  • MistyMyada
  • Umeme H.
  • Baba Zo loves KMT
  • Gabbi J.
  • Karasii M.