Aislynn Blair
85942 Svarverud Eugene, OR 97405-2878
About the project
We are weaving a community that empowers individuals to discover and actualize wholeness through creative exploration and human connection. Woven's trauma-informed staff facilitates safe and inclusive spaces for shared multi-sensory experience while symbiotic partnerships with complimentary organizations help individuals find and access vital social services.
As individuals weave their own healed relationships with self and others, the healing extends beyond the individual to families, communities, and the earth.
The Steps
Woven's development phase includes community outreach to local organizations, business start-up, and pop-up events for creative engagement with community members.
Business start-up includes incorporation, application for 501(c)3 status, logo design, webpage design, and developing other informational materials. All of this will serve the larger goal of finding a permanent location to house Woven H.O.M.E. (Hub of Multi-Sensory Experience).
Woven will begin offering pop-up events for community members immediately and will expand these offerings as funding allows. These are in-person opportunities for shared sensory experience that awakens aliveness. For example, we are hosting a QuaranTEA Party that invites participants into self reflection about personal attributes with the intention of 'Becoming who we already are.' Other events will include collaborative art installations, multi-cultural food tasting 'flights', interactive flower essence exhibits and artful discussion on a broad range of topics such as consent, perspective-taking, and conflict transformation.
Why we‘re doing it
We need healing-centered spaces where people can be held in community while reflecting on and growing through the challenges of being human.
The prevalence of trauma means that many people operate in an unconscious survival or fear state. This manifests in behaviors such as rejection, denial, helplessness and a host of symptoms such as anger, fragmentation, isolation, greed, control, and abuse. Unfortunately, individual patterns are similar to patterns that manifest in many families and communities.
While Woven is not a trauma crisis center, it is a support system for integrating trauma through human connection, creative exploration, and community support.
Woven's programs are deeply experiential, designed to inspire curiosity and deep presence. Pop-up events and daily workshop offerings--in nourishment, arts, embodiment, nature therapy, food-cultivation, alchemy, and mind-body wholeness--support individuals’ integration of lived experience through new ways of thinking, feeling, communicating, and relating.
Through joyful and connected experiences, individuals and communities weave themselves whole.