West 95th St Tree Project Part 2
Help us maintain and improve our street trees and tree pits.
Barbara Gerson
West 95th Street and Columbus Ave New York, NY 10025
Impact areas
About the project
West 95th Street has 40 of the largest and most beautiful street trees in Manhattan. For over 30 years, the West 95th St Residents Association has nurtured the trees with regular plantings, pruning, clean-ups and installation and replacement of tree guards
The Steps
With funds raised we hope to repair bent and broken tree guards, install new guards where none exist, reset and replace missing Belgian blocks, refresh soil and plantings in tree pits and prune unsafe branches.
Why we‘re doing it
24% of NYC's land area is covered with tree canopy, and street trees comprise one-quarter of this canopy. Trees work hard for us every day cleaning our air and water, providing shade and a cooler environment. The US Forest Service quantified the annual benefit of street trees in NYC at more than $200 per tree and nearly $15 per capita. Trees need all the help they can get to survive in this environment.