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We 3 Queens (Mary C. Lynn) Memorial Botanical Garden Land and infrastructure project

Preserving beauty, honoring legacy and nurturing Life at We 3 Queens (MCL) Memorial Botanical Garden!


Anne Lynn


20151 Danbury St. Detroit, MI 48203

About the project

 We 3 Queens (Mary C. Lynn) Memorial Botanical Garden with a deep and heartfelt purpose—to honor the memory of my beloved mother, Mary Carol Lynn, who left us in 2008. Gardening was a cherished pastime that bound us together, a shared passion that spoke volumes without words. Her passing left a void in my life, a silence in the garden that echoed her absence.Yet, even in her physical absence, my mother's love and guidance continued to shape my life. Her unwavering commitment to family, friends, loved ones, and even strangers served as an enduring legacy. It was from her, I learned the value of kindness, compassion, and selflessness.

In my quest to keep her memory alive and share her spirit with our city, I embarked on the journey of creating a botanical garden in the heart of our Nolan community. This garden is not just about beautiful blooms and tranquil spaces, though it certainly brings those to our neighborhood. It is a testament to her enduring influence, a living tribute to her memory. Our community garden aims to beautify our surroundings, to turn forgotten corners into oases of peace and enjoyment for families. It's a place where laughter and solace can coexist, where children can learn to appreciate the wonders of nature, and where adults can find respite from the chaos of daily life.

But this garden is more than just a place of solace and beauty. It's a classroom where we teach our people about growing their own food, nurturing food sovereignty, and preserving the precious art of seed saving and harvesting. It's a source of empowerment, fostering self-sufficiency and sustainability.Creating this botanical garden has not only been a tribute to my mother but a personal reawakening. It has reignited a joy in me that had been dormant for far too long. It has become a sanctuary for my mental health and well-being, reminding me of the therapeutic power of nature.Now, as I watch this garden flourish and thrive, I am filled with a deep desire to share this healing, nurturing space with my great city of Detroit. I want to extend my mother's legacy beyond our family, offering the city a sanctuary that embodies the values she held dear—love, unity, and growth. In doing so, I hope to not only beautify our community but also sow the seeds of positive change and inspire others to reconnect with nature, with themselves, and with the love that lives on, even when our loved ones are physically gone.

The Steps

Find Land in Nolen Community

Search Land bank to see if lots are available for create a project

fill out application with Detroit Land Bank

when approved purchase Land

purchase infrastructure ie Garden beds, water tank, Flowers and vegetables

install infrastructure

install flowers/seeds/bulbs

Why we‘re doing it

I embarked on the journey of creating a botanical garden in the heart of our Nolan community. This garden is not just about beautiful blooms and tranquil spaces, though it certainly brings those to our neighborhood. It is a testament to her enduring influence, a living tribute to her memory. Our community garden aims to beautify our surroundings, to turn forgotten corners into oases of peace and enjoyment for families. It's a place where laughter and solace can coexist, where children can learn to appreciate the wonders of nature, and where adults can find respite from the chaos of daily life.

$3,469.39 still needed of $3,469.39