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Water Bottle Refill Stations in Parks

We want to install a water bottle refill station in Margaret Pace Park so attendees using the sports, BBQ, and other facilities can refill their bottles with free filtered water.


Dara Schoenwald


1745 North Bayshore Drive Miami , FL 33132

About the project

We want to install a water bottle refill station in Margaret Pace Park so attendees using the sports, BBQ, and other facilities can refill their bottles with free filtered water. We will consider other parks if our preferred park is not feasible. We want to:

  • Reduce the consumption of disposable bottled water
  • Educate the public about the environmental impact of single-use plastics and the importance of reducing, refusing and reusing, and leveraging viable alternatives
  • Keep Margaret Pace Park and her shorelines cleaner, free of plastic bottles
  • Reduce the volume of plastic bottles in trash cans at Margaret Pace park that overflow and blow into our waterways
  • Make it easier for and encourage people to drink more water and be healthier
  • Pilot a proof of concept that can be generalized in other parks
  • Test a self-sustaining business model, where advertising space of one unit funds additional stations, and encourages other parks to follow suit.

The Steps

  • Choose water bottle refill station unit: research all manufacturers, portfolio of designs, get pricing quotes, and select best, most viable design
  • Select Preferred Park; Research heavily attended parks with sporting and BBQ facilities
  • Get approval and buy-in from Parks Department
  • Continue conversations with City of Miami Parks department.
  • Determine specific placement within Margaret Pace Park.                 
  • Coordinate with installation contractor
  • Work with Parks Department to identify preferred plumbing and constructing vendors to install the station.
  • Review specs and installation requirements and installation guide with contractor.
  • Conduct onsite walkthrough to research placement options and installation methods/challenges based on needed access to existing water lines, and mounting options            
  • Plan Graphic for first phase of launch/initial rollout: Work with graphic designer to create environmental messaging and related PSA’s for display on the station’s several panels.
  • Review and get approval from parks. 
  • Work with the Miami Foundation to obtain any branding requirements to promote Public Space Challenge on station for initial rollout.
  • Get Parks Permit; Meet with permitting department. Make permit request. Understand details of installation and ensure feasibility of installing my selected model.
  • Procure Bottle Refill Station. We already have a quote in-hand. We will place the order and wait for shipment.       
  • Installation: Schedule installation date based on estimated delivery and tracking information;  Plumbing prepares space and installation, contractor mounts unit; city inspection  
  • Plan Launch event: Order giveaway reusable water bottles; Invite Commissioners, Mayor, write press release, activate social media campaign             
  • Unveil and Launch: Host BBQ launch event at Margaret Pace Park for Labor Day weekend. Give away bottles and encourage  residents and park goers to utilize their new water bottle refill station         
  • Monthly assessment; Monitor unit on a monthly basis to evaluate filter replacement schedule, and any cleaning or maintenance required               
  • Manage updating content on the station (educational, PSA, advertising)  
  • Learn and understand city regulations on park advertising or PSA messages. Explore city allowed opportunities and models for monetizing the advertising space on the station as a means to further Parks Department’s goals, support the ongoing maintenance of the station, and fund additional station installations.  Potentially solicit corporate sponsors, non-profits, or artists to create content, advertising or PSAs to display on the station. Work with the city on approved advertising/educational messaging.
  • Design and produce graphical inserts: Ongoing, beginning 6 months after launch. 
  • Assess usage and impact: Document learnings, collect feedback from park-goers, monitor social media activity, a conduct survey        
  • Expand Program: Share learnings with other parks and communities; socialize case study; determine funding model with city to make program self-sustaining; install additional stations!!!

Why we‘re doing it

After volunteering at cleanups around our parks, shorelines and waterways, I’ve become appalled at the amount of litter we find.  While not the only culprit, plastic water bottles are a significant component of the overall makeup. A coastal city, Miami is at the heart of the climate change crisis.  Many are unaware that one bottle of water takes as much fossil fuel to produce and transport it as would fill 25% the bottle and roughly only 1 in 4 plastic water bottles are actually recycled.   In short, bottled water is wasteful and unnecessary but viable alternatives are not always convenient. Due to the angle, it’s difficult to fill a bottle from a drinking fountain, and you can only fill it about half way. Secondly, many people distrust plain tap water and buy bottled for that reason. We have a health crisis in our society as well.  Diabetes and obesity continue to rise.  We need to get people drinking more water and less sugary beverages. Especially in Miami where the heat can be unbearable, it’s all the more important that people stay hydrated. Not only will my project serve a utilitarian function of enabling park goers to refill their bottles, but the design choice has space for educational messaging, so another key goal is starting a conversation about disposable plastics and awareness for alternatives.

$5,400.00 / $5,400.00