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Virtual Community Events - Trivia Nights

Virtual trivia games provide a place where people can safely connect with their groups and friends, bonding, debating, and laughing to help alleviate the negative effects of social isolation.


Ben Banyas


Zoom Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Impact areas

About the project

In the last week of March, in the middle of the first shutdown, I thought it might be fun to run a virtual version of the trivia games I have run off and on for years with friends. Four days later, I had run my third game and was amazed that 25 people had participated. By the end of the summer, I had run more than 100 games for the public, libraries, non-profits, sports teams, companies, and more!

In that time, one person shared with me that these weekly games were their "saving grace" of this pandemic, as she got to (virtually) be with old friends and made new ones while playing. Others have told me it's the only thing they look forward to each week. It brings me great joy to provide this outlet, one where friends can gather after a long day, parents can play with their kids (or after their kids have gone to bed), and groups can engage when their normal activities are off-limits. 

In addition to the weekly games open to the public, I want to be able to provide an estimated 50 FREE events to schools, libraries, and other community groups all across Pittsburgh. These funds will allow me to do that throughout the pandemic, especially in the coming months as the cold weather keeps us inside. 

The Steps

  • Continue to run weekly events, open to the public, free of charge (currently)
  • Contact Pittsburgh schools, libraries, and other local community groups to provide events (immediately)

Why we‘re doing it

More and more information is coming out about how the isolation of the pandemic is having negative impacts on our mental health and overall wellbeing. As someone who has experienced mental health struggles in the past, I know from personal experience how much loneliness can weigh on a person, and having extremely limited human contact and interaction for 8 months has its toll. When I started these games on a whim in March, I had no idea the response they would have. What may seem like just a random trivia night to some has become a way for people to be with loved ones in a fun and carefree environment at a time where we don't get to do that very much. Since I take care of everything once the players are in the Zoom room, they don't have to organize or plan anything beyond showing up.

For the adult games, it's a fun night out without needing to go out. For kids' games, we get wrapped up in the Star WarsDisneyMarvel, and Harry Potter universes - plus more! Whether trying to identify the ten Muppets in the Photo Round or dancing with a screen full of people during the Name That Tune Round, groups of any size and people of all ages keep coming back for the fun and social connection they have. With your support, I can provide more events to groups in need of stress-free social interaction. 

$5,115.00 / $5,076.00