Unity in Our Community Tool Library
Facilitating exchanges through better tools and supplies
Alice Bagley
6900 McGraw Detroit, MI 48210
About the project
Unity in Our Community TimeBank is a network of neighbors, local businesses, and community organizations that is creating a better world through relationships based on need and reciprocity, rather than profit. A community of members who exchange services and skills without exchanging money, we were founded in 2009 to help strengthen neighborhood connections in our diverse Southwest Detroit community.
As we celebrate 10 years of TimeBanking we want to find ways to facilitate more TimeBank exchanges and better meet the needs of our members. A major unmet need in our community is small home repairs. To address these concerns as well as engage more folks with the TimeBank we would like to expand and better utilize our tool library.
Several years ago the TimeBank made our first tool purchase of some snow shovels so that youth members could do snow removal for seniors. Slowly, over many projects, we've acquired gloves and hard hats, shovels and rakes, and many other items. We would like to expand this tool libary further and improve access and outreach for it. We already have the TimeBank software to keep track of lending and the space to keep them- now we just need to add storage, more tools, and some funds for regular maintenance to the mix. These funds will do that, as well as allow us to devote staff time and some outreach funds to facilitate some work days to use all our new tools!
The Steps
Once we have funding we will inventory our current tools and install shelving and other storage equipment to create more space in our storage space. Then we will survey our members to figure out what kinds of tools and supplies they most need for their TimeBank projects and exchanges. At the same time we will be adapting our TimeBank software to create a check out/check in system for our tool library. We will ask our community for donations of tools and purchase tools that our members would like to use. Finally we will set up "office hours" to have times that members can come to the TimeBank offices to check out/check in tools. We will also hire someone locally to maintain tools owned by the TimeBank and also offer tool maintenance to our TimeBank members.
Why we‘re doing it
TimeBanking provides the people power for lots of projects, but sometime you need some tools as well. With the a tool library and a TimeBank we have the ingredients to accomplish anything!