"Together We Will..."
Together We Will... is a public outdoor exhibition featuring works by Brooklyn based LGBTQIA+ artists displaying art that celebrates their community.
Johnny Thornton
5th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215
About the project
To celebrate Pride month Arts Gowanus is partnering with Brooklyn Pride and the Old Stone House & Washington Park to present an outdoor art exhibit featuring works by Brooklyn based LGBTQIA+ artists. “Together We Will…” will be a public outdoor exhibition inviting Brooklyn based LGBTQIA+ artists to display work that celebrate their community.
Artwork displayed in this exhibition can depict and celebrate any aspect of the LGBTQIA+ experience and community. Accepted artworks will be printed on vinyl and displayed on the fence surrounding the Old Stone House & Washington Park.
This exhibition will feature over 100 images of artwork printed on banners which will be exhibited on the fence surrounding J.J. Byrne Playground from June 1st - August 31st from both emerging and established artists who create works in any style or medium. This exhibition will also take place online, the original version of each work will be available for sale on the Arts Gowanus website.
The banners displaying the artwork will be 36 x 36 inches and will include a short description of the artwork.
June 1st – August 31st, 2023
Fence surrounding Washington Park/J.J. Byrne Playground.
This exhibition is open to any artist LGBTQIA+ who lives and/or works in Brooklyn
The Steps
We are currently accepting artist submissions via our website until 4/30.
May 1st - selections by our 5 curators are made and all entrants notified.
May 1st - Graphic Designers prepare banners for printers, delivered by May 5th
May 5th - May 25th Banners printed
May 30th/31st - installation of Banners at park
June 1st - Show on display for Pride month!
August 31st -Show deinstalled and vinyls distributed to participating artists
Why we‘re doing it
This exhibition is a celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community through art made by Brooklyn based LGBTQIA+ artists. In collaboration with Brooklyn Pride, the exhibition strives to increase visibility, acceptance, and inclusion to ensure equality for the LBGTQIA+ Community, honoring the Spirit of the Stonewall Riots.