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Summer Break Sanity

Virtual Interactive family summer learning opportunities!


Tia Kline



About the project

Summer Break Sanity is a virtual family learning opportunity that focuses on the entire family, not just our student learners. Our interactive sessions will fuse reading, writing and math skills designed to reinforce and strengthen those critical skills during summer break when our student learners typically lose one or more years of learning instructional levels during this time. 

We will also provide practical and useful tips to parents and caregivers to assist them in being their student learner's "Learning Coach." And we will also devote time to family well-being during this pandemic time by providing strategies for coping with the quarantine time and improving our mental health during this pandemic time.

We are planning three sessions: 

  • Session 1 - Grades 1-2 (6/15/21 - 6/24/21)
  • Session 2 - Grades 3-4 (7/6/21 - 7/15/21)
  • Session 3 -Grades 5-6 (7/20/21 -7/29/21)


The Steps

1. Purchase printed learning materials by 5/15/21.

2. Purchase supplies (pens, pencils, etc.) by 5/15/21

3.Purchase computer equipment needed to conduct virtual sessions by 5/21/21.

4. Assemble "Family Learning Kits" (after items purchased) by 6/5/21.

5. Distribute "Family Learning Kits" for Session 1 by 6/12/15.

6. Deliver Virtual Session 1 beginning on 6/15/21.

7. Distribute "Family Learning Kits" for Session 2 by 6/30/21.

8. Deliver Virtual Session 2 beginning on 7/6/21.

9.Distribute "Family Learning Kits" for Session 3 by 7/10/21.

10. Deliver Virtual Session 3 beginning on 7/20/21.

Why we‘re doing it

EQUIPPED4LIFENOW's mission is to provide underserved students in Cleveland, Ohio and the surrounding suburbs within Cuyahoga County with L.I.F.E (Lessons In Foundational Enrichment)skills-based activities using the ELM (Educate, Liberate, Motivate) principles to equip them with the necessary tools needed for academic and personal success throughout their educational learning journey.

The COV-ID 19 pandemic has shifted our community, families and children into a virtual space without any supports for educational success. Virtual learning is failing children and families and as a member of this community, I feel it is my duty to assist parents and families to strengthen literacy skills in the summer months, when students typically lose about one year of their instructional learning level, and are sinking further behind as a result of the pandemic and the shift to virtual learning, which has not been a great help to most students nor their families at this time.

There is no greater time than the present, during this pandemic time, to come together for the greater good of our student learners and their families, to make a lasting impact on them and their futures. This is what community is all about, sharing our time, talents, knowledge and skills to improve the lives of others. This is the life-blood of EQUIPPED4LIFENOW and the vein of its existence.

$1,700.00 / $1,700.00