The Shelter Project
Safe Housing & Employment Services Leading towards Economic Restoration for the homeless.
About the project
Formed in 2014, the Shelter Project's mission is providing safe housing & employment services leading towards economic restoration for the homeless.
We are raising funds to continue our work safely during COVID.
Every little bit helps, whether $5 or $50 or $500
Donate today and it's doubled with the ioby Pittsburgh COVID match!
Street Movement:
Provides outreach to the unsheltered homeless individuals by setting up a distribution and feeding station. We provide warm meals, bagged lunches, clothing, survival care packages, blankets, and shoes.
Employment Assistance:
Aims at helping low-income and homeless individuals obtain a sustaining income by providing career ready workshops and workshops on nutrition, financial literacy, life-skills and parenting.
The Steps
Funds will support immediate supplies for serving our neighbors safely during COVID. Our programs are ongoing and active.
Why we‘re doing it
We believe in economic restoration for the homeless.