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Save The Imani Willow

Stop The Destruction of This Historic Tree in the Heart of Weeksville, NYC's oldest independent African-American community.


Gregory Todd


87-91 Schenectady Ave Brooklyn, NY 11213

About the project

Imani Garden is located in the middle of Weeksville, the oldest independent African-American community in New York City.  Imani was founded by a community group and local church over 50 years ago!  Until 2015, the garden spanned 3 lots hosting a chicken coop, chicken run and the beautiful Imani Willow Tree.

In 2015, middle lot 89 was purchased for development and was recently fenced off from the rest of the garden. Lot 89 is important for several reasons, including:

  • It's in the middle of our beloved 50-year-old community garden
  • Our chicken coop and chicken run reside on the lot
  • The landmark Imani Willow Tree lives on the lot

Now, we have a chance to buy back this lot at cost and we need your help!

After many conversations with the current land owner, we now have the chance to buy back this community asset. 

The Imani Garden is a very historic and culturally significant site, being close to the home of the founder of Weeksville, James Weeks and also next to the first integrated public school in Brooklyn. By saving middle lot 89, securing the Willow Tree and reuniting the garden, we can show the city and the country that African-American history is a priority and worthy of protection.  

We need to raise these funds by October 1st in order to secure the lot. Please make your tax-deductible donation today. Every donations counts and no gift is too small!

You may also sign our petition here, to help save the Imani Willow!

The Steps

Once the cash is raised, we will acquire the middle lot, at 89 Schenectady Avenue from it's current owner and donate it to NYRP, so that the entire three lots that comprise the Imani Garden will be saved forever for the Weeksville community.  


At present, the two side lots, 87 and 91 Schenectady Avenue are owned by NYRP.






Why we‘re doing it

In 1838, James Weeks, a freed slave, acquired a large parcel of land that included the location of the Weeping Willow. The community he created was named Weeksville.   Now development is wiping out the area that was once Weeksville.  We are pleading with others to help us preserve the Weeping Willow and the Imani Garden, located at the very center of Weeksville.  Little is left and even less will be left if Imani is destroyed.  Timing is critical.

For more behind the scenes information about the Imani Garden and this WIllow Tree, click here to watch another video. 

*The tax deductibility of your contribution may be affected by goods or services received. Please contact your financial advisor with questions regarding your donation.



$2,408.40 / $2,408.00