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Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi

Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi - A delightful evening showcasing the best of Bengal's cultural heritage through song, dance and verse & welcoming the Bengali new year 


Amiya Ghosh


Cleveland State University Berkman Hall Auditorium Cleveland, OH 44115

About the project

Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi  will be a cultural program that aims to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Bengal. The term Sangeete means songs, Sanglaape means verse & recitation and Baisakhi comes from “Baisakh” which is the first month of the Bengali calendar. In a sense, the program aspires to be a “musical evening” presented in Baisakh, i.e., welcoming the Bengali new year and celebrating the cultural heritage of Bengal. The narrative honors prominent poets, singers, and dancers of Bengal. The audience will be able to immerse themselves in creative expressions of Bengali culture as represented through a variety of performing arts.

The celebration includes paying respect to legendary poet from Bengal Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore in his 162th birth year. A segment includes prominent stars of Bengal movie industry and pays a tribute to prominent Bengali artists such as Uttam Kumar, Kishore Kumar and Sandhya Ray. The audience will also be able to witness cultural diffusion through time and appreciate cultural diversity that Bengal contributes to. Members will take part in songs, dance, narration, poetry, and recitation to cherish traditional culture and welcome newer cultural associations that harbor similar traditions and values that Bengalis come across as culture flows through time.

The program will include historical reference to the partition of Bengal, Bengalis in rural areas (villages) and cultural diffusion in urban settings, popular culture versus folk culture diffusions. The program will reflect on the evolution of Bengali culture as it blends with other cultures and unifies with the greater being of human culture. The program will be 120-minute narrative and will be depicted through songs, dances, recitation, poetry, and play.

The Steps

  1. Executive Committee will meet in early January to brainstorm ideas about the program.
  2. Call for participation will be sent to members via email in early February. Members will need to submit names toward songs, dance, playing musical instruments, recitation and support groups such as stage help, makeup, tech support categories by end of the month (Feb 28).
  3. Cultural Secretaries will form sub-committees to finalize script and select items for the narrative.
  4. There will be a kick-off meeting on March 11 where the program outline will be shared with all participants and items will be assigned to performers.
  5.  Weekly rehearsals will begin from Mar 11, and will take place in small groups. Cultural Secretaries will supervise the rehearsals.
  6. A full run-through will be held in a designated venue one week prior to the actual program.
  7. A stage rehearsal will be help in CSU Auditorium one day prior to the actual event on May 12, and all sound & light equipments rented will be tested
  8. Main program will take place on May 13 in CSU Auditorium. Dinner and cultural conversation will convene among participants and the audience right after the show.

Why we‘re doing it

Engagement with the Community: Culture is representation of human behavior that arrives from language, ideas, beliefs, customs, rituals, and ceremonies. United States, the concept of “cultural diversity” stems from a representation of different racial and ethnic groups in a community. BCS strives to be an integral part of the cultural diversity in USA by organizing events to showcase cultural heritage of Bengal, with an ulterior aim to promote and appreciate such cultural diversity. The objective of the program is extending awareness of Bengali culture to the diversity community of NE Ohio, fostering engagement with the audience from diverse cultural backgrounds and facilitate cross-cultural dialogue between the participants and the audience. While BCS members take pride in showing their cultural richness to the audience, the audience (representing people from a diverse Indian and American community) will be able to experience the richness. Participants interact with the audience during the meet-n-greet that follows the show, where they will be able to ask questions and learn more. Many such interactions foster cross-cultural collaboration among artists from different genres. Furthermore, participation in BCS events is voluntary and open to all who have an interest in this Indian culture. We continue to invite and include other artists from the community. BCS makes a conscious effort to include people from all race, gender, age, ability, sexual identity, faith and nationality. BCS makes it top priority for all participants to feel welcome and treat everyone equitably.

Engagement with the Next Generation: Sangeete Sanglaape Baisakhi  provides cultural education to children, many of whom are children of BCS family members and contribute to their intellectual upbringing. The children who participate in the program can experience their cultural roots through performing arts and help BCS carry the message to the next generation. When these children grow up, they carry the inspiration with them and take part in Bengali/Indian cultural activities in their college and institutions. Many of the BCS members have non-Bengali or non-Indian spouses. Children from such mixed cultural identity are able to adapt to Bengali culture through such cultural experience. BCS hopes that performing in and viewing such cultural activities will help these children grow and develop holistically. Such cultural immersions will help them appreciate cultural diversity in the nation, become culturally balanced, and become better human beings.

$3,180.00 / $3,093.00