Rueda de Oro 787 Back to Loisaida
Rueda de Oro & O Team will host a free & interactive drum circle with the community in Brooklyn at the People’s Garden, to share the musical experience of their trip to Puerto Rico!
Juan Ospina
1237 Greene Ave Brooklyn , NY 11221
About the project
We are La Rueda de Oro and we have paired up in collaboration with O Team to form an educational and cultural project with the objective of traveling to Puerto Rico for the first time as a delegation of Maestrxs of the Colombian Diaspora who live in NYC to exchange the Afro-Indigenous traditional musics of our country with the ones of Puerto Rico, in order to bring such teachings back to the Community of Bushwick in Brooklyn!
Rueda de Oro & O Team will host a free & interactive drum circle with the community of Brooklyn at the People’s Garden, to share in a practical, artistic, and instructive way the musical-dance contribution of the Caribbean region of Colombia such as Cumbia and Bullerengue, with Afro-Puerto Rican ones such as La Bomba and La Plena
These exchange dynamics as we gather will serve as a catalytic point for the development of dialogues on the meaning of Afro/indigenous-diasporic legacies as intangible heritage of the global community including the community of NYC; not only that, this gathering is aimed to heal and to share a moment of protection and connection amongst the gathered, with tradition as the guiding foundation; and inclusion as a mission.
The Steps
Travel to Puerto Rico
Advance production details for our day at the Garden, such as:
Ordering food and refreshment ahead, using local options,
making list of needed items, (chairs, tables, utensils, disposable silverware, cups , plates, trash bags, etc)
Setting up sound equipment rental
Finalize agreement and terms with the People’s Garden
Hire the 3 volunteers for the day off ahead
Confirm and hire teachers/artists from Rueda de Oro 787
Make flyer and publicity
Announce and promote event in social media
Announce and promote event in the rueda de Oro WhatsApp chat of 80 + community
Why we‘re doing it
Rueda de Oro (The Golden Drum Circle) is a NYC based musical initiative; a non physical space of gathering around the Afro-Indigenous traditional rhythms, drums and dances
The Ruedas (gatherings) rotate from borough to borough, to increase access for New Yorkers, for the Rueda de Oro is open to all. In the summertime the Rueda gathered at various public parks, and during the winter it teamed up with organizations such as MayDay Space in Bushwick, and the Bronx Music Heritage Center in the Bronx + participated in workshops around the city in various festivals such as Celebrate Brooklyn “in Highland Park, Brujería Festival, Brooklyn Cumbia Festival, Brooklyn Fam Festival and more and always free to the public
The collective is an inviting and open space for all people interested in music, dance, song and cultural heritage and exchange.
In this specific event, Rueda de Oro 787 Back to BK we want to make it extra especial because it is a collaboration and the Puerto Rican as well as the growing Latino community in Bushwick is significant, and events like this one can really bring about community closer, therefore promote a healthier community!