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Rec-It! Youth create anti-bullying and "Make-A-Difference in Your Life" music videos during the Summer of 2019!


Whitnye Long Jones


1290 West 25th Street Cleveland, OH 44113

About the project

We're going to blow the kids' minds with Rec-It and Alien CSI!

Rec-It will teach the kids how to make music videos and short films - and with this newly developed skill-set, the kids are going to produce anti-bullying and "How to Make the World a Better Place" videos which will be made available for other youth across the world to see!

Alien CSI -  An amazing STEAM experience, where kids have to investigate an alien crashsite! Through the process, the youth will have to figure out where the alien's came from using astronomy, biology and chemistry and how to decipher the alien language and even create a new language, as well. Alien CSI really blends the arts and science with the interests that really excite and motivate kids to demonstrate their genius!

We're excited and the kids are looking forward to a fantastic summer experience!

The Steps

Much of the heavylifting has already been accomplished, including: securing a program site, insurance and starting a "whisper" campaign.

The additional steps which need to be taken include, but are not limited to:

  • Advertising to CMHA residents -  May 31, 2019
  • Staff has already been identified for the program
  • Equipment & Supply Acquisition


Why we‘re doing it

We know that the youngsters at CMHA's Lakeview location don't have anywhere close to the same resources that so many other programs across the city. And it's amazing what the staff at the Lakeview Rec Center have been able to achieve with so little. But with the support of volunteers and organizations like Ohio City Inc. they have been able to maintain a pretty decent youth program.

Now, we want to take it to another level - and we want Northeast Ohio to be front-and-center when these youngsters have the opportunity to show what they can do when really given the chance to express their genius, their talents and their insights.

In addition to the basketball activities the kids do with Mr. Shorty and the crafts program with Ms. Epps from SPACES, we want to really blow the kids' minds and plant some serious exposure and experiential powerseeds in their minds!

$3,694.00 / $3,694.00