Read With Me Pittsburgh! is an adult literacy and special-needs developmental reading program for enchanced cognition and memorization.
About the project
Everyone loves to hear a good story. Everyone does not posess the ability to read and comprehend written word. I remember my mother reading to me as a child challenging me to step out of my comfort zone and use my imagination.
The ability to read allows one to live life with confidence; having the ability to inturpret the world around them on a personal and interpersonal level. Read With Me! strives to provide clients with lifeskills to act and react to difficult real life situations clients may encounter. Read With Me! is an adult literacy reading program for enhanced cognition and memorialzation.
Read With Me! is a commity resource provider for adults with learning disabilities and persons with special needs. Counselors, habilitation specialist and home care providers work one on one with clients in whole group learning. After each reading presenter, clients and staff review read materials and complete follow-up activity relevant to subject matter and sessions goals.
We are raising funds for open, free, public tutorials on our new website to serve our community through COVID restrictions, fighting social isolation by bringing neighbors together through stories.
The Steps
Allocated funds would produce interactive programing for adults with disabilities and persons with special needs relevant to expanding life experiences, knowledge and self awarness.
Why we‘re doing it
Read With Me! is an adult literacy reading program for enhanced cognition and memorialzation. Read With Me! is a commity resource provider for adults with learning disabilities and persons with special needs.