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Queens Citizen Tree Pruner and Tree Restoration Project

Our project is to properly prune/care for street trees. We are working with Queens Coalition for Parks to give trees the care they need.


Fred Kress


All street trees in Queens Springfield Gardens, NY 11430

Impact areas

About the project

Our Certified Citizen Tree Pruners and Tree Stewards will work on pruning street trees in need and ensuring that our trees will be healthier thus reducing pollution and excessive heat. Trees are vital to reduce flooding and removing toxins from the air we breathe. If our trees are taken care of and do better, then we will all be that much healthier as a direct result.

The Steps

Citizen Tree Pruners and tree stewards will work in their own respective neighborhoods and take care of the trees where they live. They will also clean out tree pits and plant either flowers or bulbs to make the tree pit look nicer and also retain moisture for the tree. This is an ongoing project as we have thousands of street trees needing care.

Why we‘re doing it

Most of our street trees in Queens need some pruning and the tree pits they are planted in need to be weeded and cleaned out. Our old growth and new growth trees need to be better taken care of and tended to on a regular basis.

$978.00 / $978.00