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PS11 Garden 2014 Spring Planting

The students grow edible plants and develop a first-hand knowledge of where food comes from. They compost, to understand how decomposition plays a part in the cycle of growth.


Rhea Alexander


320 West 21st Street New York City, NY 10011

About the project

This project is for Spring planting supplies for our school garden. We would like to continue to start seeds in different classrooms this season and need a small amount of money to buy supplies. Seed starting is fascinating for elementary students and they all participate in watering and tending the new plants. This is an inexpensive way to grow plants for our garden.

The Steps

Volunteer parents will purchase the medium for germinating seeds indoors: sterile soil mix such as perlite, coir and/or peat. We will also get as much watering equipment together as possible. Some small early plants will be purchased also, depending on the budget, like strawberries and blackberries. 

We will buy/build planters also for the same space and add more containers to our vertical wall. Seeds will first be started in classrooms if possible. After the containers are built and started with seeds, we hope to have more grant money in place to cover our costs.

Why we‘re doing it

This project is a continuation of the school gardening project we started 5 years ago as part of a PTA initiative.

$380.00 / $380.00