We’re looking forward to buying a pricey, privilege gadget for the underprivileged youth throughout central harlem and bringing it to Holcombe Rucker Park this summer of 2023.
Shaun Best
280 west 155th street New York , NY 1003-
About the project
JumpShots Over GunShots' mission is all about empowering disadvantaged youth, so we’ve been challenging ourselves to find more creative ways to do so. We would like to raise funds to purchase a privileged gadget for the underprivileged kids & teens at our beloved Holcombe Rucker Park. This basketball machine called the Shoot-A-Way is mostly seen on television being used by division one NCAA players or NBA players and is not the typical basketball machine that would be used in a local Harlem neighborhood. So J.O.G would like to be the first organization to give the youngsters in our community the opportunity to practice their skillset with it.
The Steps
Once we are awarded with the funds, we would immediately make all the necessary purchases and start setting up the dates as soon as June 2nd, 2023, and go through the summer from June to July through August, ending around September 3rd, 2023. We will continue our skills and drills using the basketball machine every weekend of the summer giving everyone a chance to play with the Shoot-A-Way machine from ages 10 to 24 years old. This isn’t the ordinary gadget you’ll get to see in a local park especially giving everybody and anybody an opportunity to play with and that’s what we pride ourselves on: diversity and inclusion.
Why we‘re doing it
We truly believe that our mission at JumpShots Over GunShots is helping everyone, and can solve social problems in the community and here’s why: if the kids and teens are happy and being looked after or staying occupied with their idle time, it makes a safer neighborhood. When the neighborhood is safe it opens doors for everyone in the community. The police are no longer walking the beat with an edge and ready to use unnecessary force because the vibe is different and crime may be down tremendously. Now residents can go back to making our community gardens more attractive with plants and such to restore and bring the beautification back to where it needs to be.