Orange Mound Summer Sports Fun
Fun sports build friendships, character, and exercise!
Don Gilbert
2572 Park Avenue Memphis, TN 38114
About the project
We want to provide sports equipment for recreational sports that inner-city children do not regularly play. Sports teach teamwork. Recreational sports allow anyone to play, regardless of skill level. Sports provide exercise and fight childhood obesity. We hope that by providing exposure to new sports (indoor soccer, floor hockey, dodgeball, flag football, and whiffleball) in the summer, we can pilot some sports leagues in different age groups in the fall and winter. We hope to see future outdoor inner city soccer and baseball athletes. We will have some a Saturday tournament that will be fun and involve parents in coaching. Kids are looking for things to do, and we remember we played these sports all the time when we were young and had a blast!
The Steps
1) Price out equipment and order. 2) Work with community center and camp staff to incorporate these sports into their summer camp routine. Develop the rules for play for each sport. Teach the children the rules. 3) Plan a Saturday of fun. Play a game of kids vs. parents. 4) Survey parents and children on what sports to offer in a league. 5) Work with community center staff to offer sports leagues for popular sports.
Why we‘re doing it
Inner-city children need safe places to be kids. They need to learn how to be on a team and work through conflicts in healthy ways. Childhood obesity is a real factor in the inner city. Kids are looking for things to do and parents are looking for programs that will build character. Inner city sports can be limited to football and basketball. If more sports are offered recreationally, more children will be involved in exercise. More exercise means healthier kids. Sports are a great way for kids to enjoy each other and learn what it means to be on a team.