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Old Brooklyn Community Middle School Cooking Club

Inspiring youth through the preparation of food!


Christine Ruggiero



About the project

I believe there is something truly unifying about the creation and enjoyment of quality foods.  It enables us to work together, share our cultures, and nourish ourselves at the same time. Our project has three key components, skill building, nutrition education, and character development.

The first component is skill building.   By having the necessary skills students will obtain a useable skill that will translate well to either personal or future professional goals. The food industry is a growing business and many creative jobs can be found in the restaurant and hospitality field. Even if students do not want to pursue a career in food service, having the ability to prepare meals from scratch is becoming a lost art.  By properly educating students on the value of home cooked meals, they will have a life skill that they will always be able to use.

The second area is nutrition.  It is extremely important that young people are aware of what they are putting into their bodies in regards to nutrition.  With a better understanding of the positive health impact that quality nutrients can make, students can have improved focus and a better quality of life.  We will discuss and demonstrate ways that students can utilize fresh, local, and sustainable products in their cooking.

The third, and most important goal is character development.  By working as a team in kitchen setting we will help young people build necessary character traits to work well as individuals and as a part of a team.  Not unlike a team sport, kitchen work also fosters a sense of connectedness and interdependency with the other members in the group. Students will have the ability to actively contribute to the creation of meals that will facilitate the sense of accomplishment and self confidence as they contribute actively in a hands-on setting.


The Steps

1. Develop plan for content.  (October)

2.  Obtain the durable supplies such as cutting boards and knives.(January)

3.  Purchase pantry items and first weeks perishible groceries.  (January)

4.  First class (January 14, 2019) 8-12 week session.  Guest speakers, lessons on sustainability, culinary competion as a conclusion)

Why we‘re doing it

By creating an after school cooking program for our middle school students we will accomplish character development, skill building, and nutrition education through the creation of quality fresh meals in a hands-on setting. By doing this we are actually hoping to have a much larger impact for both our students and the community. Our school has a high percentage of socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are experiencing food insecurity. These students are also at risk for both academic and behavioral difficulties and would benefit greatly from an afterschool program that is not contingent on grades, behavior, or financial requirements for eligibility. By giving our students a place where they can develop a sense of purpose and community, we will be able to positively influence the lives of the students in our community both now and for years to come.



$375.00 / $375.00