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Northeast Goshen Tree Planting Project Spring 2017

At least 13 trees will be planted in the Chamberlain & East Lincoln Crossroads neighborhoods where there is a great need. Trees for Goshen is excited to work with residents on this inaugural tree planting project.


Ryan Smith


6th and Clinton Goshen, IN 46528

About the project

We are raising funds to plant trees at three locations in northeast Goshen. These are areas of the city that will benefit greatly from additional tree planting because they have less existing tree canopy than other areas, and therefore have more to gain from tree planting. Additionally, Lincoln Avenue carries a high volume of traffic so trees planted there will help improve air quality, and they will also aid in noise reduction in the area where the new highway is to be built.

3 LOCATIONS (all in Goshen, IN):

East Lincoln Crossroads Neighborhood
N. 6th st. between Lincoln Ave. And Clinton Ave. near the Post - 6 trees: 2 honeylocust, 1 redbud, 1 london planetree, 1 hophornbeam, 1 other ornamental.
Chamberlain Neighborhood
N. 7th St. north of Center St. near Boys and Girls Club - 2 sweetgum, 3 serviceberry
N. 6th St. north of Oakridge Ave. - 2 hackberry

The Steps

These trees will be planted in areas that were identified as through a series of neighborhood association meetings held by Trees for Goshen (TFG) in late 2016. The goal of the meetings was to identify potential projects as well as neighborhood residents who would be willing to collaborate with TFG on developing the project and help coordinate fundraising, planting, and long term maintenance of the trees. 
This initial project was selected as a high priority through an analysis that rated the need of different areas of the city based on existing tree canopy, existing impervious surfaces (buildings, roads, parking lots), and economic indicators. The city forester, who acts as a consultant to TFG, worked on site selection, gaining permission from property owners, and selecting plant species. 
Once the funds have been raised, the trees will be purchased from local nurseries and a community planting day (date TBD) will be held on a Saturday in late April or early May. Volunteers will be asked to assist in planting the trees on that day. Some equipment will be provided by the city, but volunteers may bring shovels to assist in the effort. Refreshments will be served.
After planting, neighborhood residents will be responsible for watering the trees on a weekly basis for a period of at least two years during the growing season. If you would like to assist with watering please contact TFG or ask at the planting event.

Why we‘re doing it

Trees provide immense and often overlooked benefits to neighborhoods that go beyond aesthetics. They have a positive benefit on human health and property values, they clean the air and capture rainwater, and help cool streets and buildings during hot weather. In fact, Goshen’s public trees create $1.35 million annually in ecological benefits ( These trees will provide those benefits and many more to residents, adding value to their neighborhoods, for decades to come. 
Trees for Goshen is a nonprofit dedicated to promoting urban forestry through tree planting, maintenance, preservation, and education.

$580.00 / $580.00