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North Side Youth Mountain Bike Club 2020

Give every kid on the North Side a chance to ride


Ben Brewer


Riverview Park Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Impact areas

About the project

Contributions will support the North Side Youth Bike Club, which gives North Side kids--and parents!--a chance to get outside, have fun, get some exercise, connect with others, challenge themselves, and give back to our community. We teach kids the fundamentals of mountain bike safety and maintenance, lead group rides in Riverview and other city parks, and sponsor monthly trail work volunteer days.  

The Steps

Our riding season is from early June to early September. Our monthly volunteer trail work days are from March through October. In the meantime, we'll make sure have the bikes, coaches, and infrastructure to be ready for another great year!

Why we‘re doing it

Because everyone--regardless of what their background is--deserves a chance to enjoy nature, get exercise, improve our park, and have fun on bikes!

$1,940.00 / $1,940.00