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Nettleton Community Orchard

Nettleton Community Orchard -- creating community through fruit trees.


Darcie Goodwin


Nettleton Avenue Memphis, TN 38103

About the project

We plan to transform a privately owned railroad embankment lot in Memphis, Tennessee at the corner of Nettleton Avenue and Tennessee Street into a community fruit tree orchard (similar to a community garden) and green space. The benefits of the community orchard are that it will join the downtown community together to make the neighborhood cleaner, safer, vibrant and livable; improve awareness of our environment and community health; and, enhance bio-diversity and build community food security.

The Steps

We will purchase 7 fruit trees, compost and support materials (gators -- a water tube to go around the tree, support sticks), fruit bushes, and flowers. We will secure the water meter and purchase a hose. We will gain permission to paint part of the train bridge wall to promote the Nettleton community orchard. We will have a team to maintain the community orchard, but the ongoing maintenance is much less than a community garden.

Why we‘re doing it

As members of the downtown community, we want to turn an undevelopable piece of land into a productive, visually appealing and environmentally sustainable asset for the community.

$643.00 / $643.00