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Net Zero For All, Starting Today (F.A.S.T.)

Net Zero F.A.S.T. is a regional initiative to unite neighborhoods, schools, organizations, businesses, and municipalities in the effort to combat climate change and create a vibrant, equitable, resilient future.


Justin Schott


22400 W 7 Mile Rd, Detroit, MI 48219

About the project

Greater Detroit needs a bold, comprehensive strategy to tackle climate change while keeping equity and justice front and center.  Net Zero For All, Starting Today (F.A.S.T.) is a regional initiative created by EcoWorks to unite residents, neighborhoods, schools, organizations, businesses, and municipalities in the effort to combat climate change and create a vibrant, equitable, resilient future.

As we launch Net Zero F.A.S.T., we are recruiting an inaugural cohort of 25 "Net Zero Heroes". This initial phase will help us learn how best to recruit and support our partners and plan to scale the initiative in the future.  

The need has never been more urgent - can you donate today?

(July 2019 - Youth Energy Squad crew members working on improvements to the EcoWorks office in NW Detroit) 

Covid-19 has exposed how vulnerable we are to not only pandemics, but climate impacts. It has also shown us that collective action can change the course of the world -- join now to be a part of a global solution centered right here in Detroit.

Reversing climate change must be an all-in effort, and Net Zero F.A.S.T. is designed for organizations of every size and shape, representing every sector. From the beloved pie shop that has emerged as a hub of neighborhood gatherings to an urgent care center to a human services agency, participation in Net Zero F.A.S.T. is open to all. The pathways for each organization will look different, but the five step commitment looks the same: 

1) Make a public, bold, public commitment to acheive net zero emissions, no later than 2050. 
2) Conduct a greenhouse gas inventory and create a "Drawdown" plan that details how the organization will feasibly achieve its commitment.  
3) Integrate equity and justice values holistically throughout internal policies and operations.
4) Commit to at least two additional actions that advance climate leadership, resilience, or equity.
5) Publicly share your Net Zero For All, Starting Today story.

The Steps

We have a detailed plan for how to recruit, support, and celebrate our inaugural cohort of 25 Net Zero Heroes:

January 2019 - September 2019 - Intiative concept, name, brand development. Commitment structure created.

October 2019 - January 2020 - Soft launch and presentations at Detroit Sustainability Forum, Detroit City Council Green Task Force  

February 2020 - First organization (ACCESS) signs on 

April 2020 - First grant infuses Net Zero F.A.S.T. with $20,000 for outreach and support to our first 25 Net Zero Heroes

May 2020 - Ioby crowdfunding! 

May - July 2020 - Outreach to prominent allies and networks of potential supporters 

May - September 2020 - Pitch meetings with up to 40 potential signers 

Friday, September 18th, 2020 - Celebrating the first Net Zero Heroes at EcoWorks Annual Breakfast 

September 23rd, 2020 - Kickoff meeting for the inaugural cohort of Net Zero Heroes 

Fall 2020 - Fundraising to support full-time project manager and additional implementation resources 

Monthly through April 2021 - Series of seven implementation workshops 

Earth Day, April 22nd, 2021 - Celebration and progress report, media outreach, expanded outreach 

Why we‘re doing it

In the absence of strong, cohesive federal leadership, bottom-up change from cities and the social sector is needed to slow the impacts of climate change, to ensure every community has the resources it needs to adapt, and to catalyze initatives that not only cut carbon, but create thousands of living wage green jobs, enhance the quality of K-12 education, improve our air and water quality, and contribute to affordable, healthy, vibrant, and equitable neighborhoods. 

We have spoken with dozens of organizational leaders who want to demonstrate climate leadership but aren't sure where to begin. We know firsthand from making energy upgrades and installing solar at our own office that the pathway to cut emissions can be daunting and goes much deeper than just changing a few light bulbs.

Our team of energy analysts at EcoWorks has the expertise to help Net Zero Heroes move from their vision of climate leadership to action, and in many cases, the journey will save money in the long run. We're offering our knowledge of how to benchmark and track energy use, navigate utility rebates, pursue low-cost, off balance sheet financing, solicit and evaluate bids for on-site efficiency and solar projects, and plan electric vehicle charging stations and battery storage. Making the Net Zero F.A.S.T. commitment goes hand in hand with the support needed. 

Lastly, we believe that having models of organizations who have succeeded is essential to building a broad movement for just and equitable climate solutions. Our vision is transformational, yet it starts with a small cohort of committed organizations who are ready to take the plunge and tell their stories. 

$5,458.00 / $5,458.00