Neighborhoods United for Change
Working to bridge the gap of understanding between people, communities and races within St. Louis.
Kevin McKinney
5888 Plymouth Ave. St. Louis, MO 63112
About the project
Funds are needed to allow us to continue the program that began in 2016. We hope to set the stage for breakthrough during a simple exchange event that pairs a south St. Louis city neighborhood with a north St. Louis city neighborhood for a day of neighborhood tours, presentations, and conversation over lunch together. Each pairing of neighborhoods will decide together on one of ten Saturdays in Sept., Oct. and Nov. 2017 to hold the event. They will also choose a venue to hold their event, which will most likely be located in the second neighborhood to be toured.
The goals of the project are:
· Raise awareness about the history, progress, and similarities (differences) among and between St. Louis city communities;
· Reduce barriers between communities and facilitate joint neighborhood development projects;
· Engage communities in collaboration on “opportunity areas” that transcend historical boundaries. Hopefully establish joint neighborhood priorities and goals;
· Provide greater clarity about the history and progress of each community;
· Review and highlight assets and geographical dynamics in each community.
The complexity of the goals and the historical relationships within and between communities created an awareness that the project needed to occur in phases.
The Steps
SLACO is requesting funding for four key items for each of the neighborhoods involved: the tour bus, food, facilitator, and marketing mediums.
- The transportation by bus is needed for the tours and in order to bring the participants together to learn;
- A facilitator for ten neighborhoods - 20 people are needed in order to have an event that lasts half a day; and
- Funding for marketing outlets are needed in order to spread the impact of their participation in this event.
- The project goal is to have 20 neighborhoods involved.
The program will occur on one of ten Saturdays in September, October and November 2017.
Why we‘re doing it
St. Louis knows all too well the impact of unaddressed racial tensions brought out when a tragedy occurs. Misunderstandings quickly escalate, resulting in overgeneralization, stereotyping, and blaming others. The history, strength, and diversity of St. Louis deserves to be represented better than this contention and turmoil. Neighborhoods United for Change is designed to bridge the gap of misunderstandings by bringing St. Louis neighborhoods together for healing, understand and continued community collaboration for positive change at a grassroots level.
One of the unique aspects of St. Louis is that despite it being a large city, it already has some tangible feelings of community. In order to strengthen this community aspect of St. Louis, this project aims to bridge the gap in understanding between people, between communities, differences in available housing and between races.
Progress needs to be made between people because generalization and stereotyping becomes more difficult once someone has gotten to know the other person. This project will allow people to get to know their neighbors, near and far, by sharing conversation about life experiences over lunch together. Once St. Louis neighbors get to know one another, a space has been created that could lead to lasting and meaningful relationships, as well as a support network and potential buffer for the future.
Progress needs to be made between communities because St. Louis neighborhoods are all so unique and can gain a great deal of insight from each other through sharing their knowledge and experiences about their community. This project will allow the participants to directly visit and experience another St. Louis neighborhood, gain insight from their specific strengths and successes, as well as network about potential improvements about neighborhood housing initiatives.
Progress needs to be made between races because it's clear that well-rounded acceptance is not yet reality. This project will bring a north city neighborhood together with a south city neighborhood in order to create an opportunity for different races to realize their similarities, yet also establish mutual respect for each other’s differences. This project will be a stepping stone towards breaking down hesitancy in interacting, and eliminating stereotyping which can lead to unfair housing practices.
SLACO provides a perfect convener for this unique set of events due to its direct access to its 29 member neighborhood associations. SLACO specializes in providing venues for neighborhoods to learn from and network with each other to create a desirable urban environment. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for residents and stakeholders of neighborhoods in the St. Louis region through community-based initiatives, citizen empowerment, and neighborhood organizing. Our member neighborhoods represent 30% of the City’s population.