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Musicians United

The Pebble Mine will destroy Bristol Bay, Alaska, home to 46% of the planet’s remaining wild sockeye salmon. Help musicians record and distribute music to spread the word to audiences around the world and stop the Pebble Mine!


Paul Nagle


3105 Lakeshore Drive Anchorage, AK 99801

About the project

Do you enjoy salmon? Bristol Bay, Alaska, is the largest remaining sockeye salmon fishery left in the world. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), it alone is responsible for approximately 46% of the average global abundance of wild sockeye salmon. Unbelievably, this pristine ecosystem is now threatened with environmental destruction by a proposed “open pit” copper and gold mine.  Please make a donation to help us run this campaign and then join and raise your voice.

Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay (over 200 strong so far) are using the power of music to raise awareness and support the Alaskan Natives and fishermen in their fight to stop the Pebble Mine.  Legendary singer/activist Si Kahn has written and recorded Bristol Bay, a beautiful collection of songs about the life of the bay and the people’s fight to save it.  Help us produce this CD and get it into the hands of every DJ in Alaska and around the world. Music can tell this story and get people to stand up!

What is at Stake?

London-Based Anglo-American (a mining company with a troubling safety record) and Northern Dynasty (a Canadian company with no experience in mines) are trying to force through the Pebble Mine, a two mile wide “open pit” dig sited across the headwaters of both the Nushagak River (one of the top king salmon producing rivers worldwide) and the Kvichak River (the top sockeye salmon producing river in the world).

The mine complex would include a 740 foot high dam and a 10 square mile “pond” to contain (in perpetuity) the  up to 10 billion tons of toxic mine sludge the Pebble Mine would produce over its lifetime.  Worse, the entire area is seismographically active (a 9.2 earthquake in 1964 devastated Anchorage, less than 300 miles away).  Any release of mine waste into the surface or groundwater has the potential to devastate the entire ecosystem forever.

How Does an Album Help?

  • Co-founder Si Kahn was just the official Guest Artist at the 2013 Alaska Folk Festival where, singing with former Alaska State Senator Suzanne Little, he premiered highlights from the album, held workshops about the cause, and had very successful one on one meetings with current and former Alaska state legislators
  • An upcoming hour-long WoodSongs Old Time Radio Hour show about Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay, with Si Kahn, Tom Chapin and Alaska poet/fiddler Ken Waldman, will be broadcast to over 500 radio stations and nearly 100 TV stations (a total reach of over 90,000,000 homes)
  • Two more Alaska music festival appearances for Musicians United this summer
  • All proceeds from the CD, including Si's songwriter and artist royalties, go right back to supporting Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay

Over 200 musicians, including Holly Near, Tom Chapin and Pete Seeger have signed on!  We can’t do this without you.  Please donate what you can now!

The Steps

Step 1.  March 2013 – Raw production finished on Bristol Bay, an album of original songs by Si Kahn, produced by legendary Swiss banjo virtuoso Jens Krüger, designed to raise awareness and support for the fight to stop the Pebble Mine.  All proceeds and royalties go directly to support the work of Musicians United To Protect Bristol Bay.

Step 2. Launch the ioby crowd-funding campaign to help cover costs to produce, distribute and publicize the CD. This is where YOU join the movement. Please donate what you can. This donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Step 3.  Album ready for release in June.  Media appearances around the album and the project have already begun. 

Step 4.  Our goal to sign up and mobilize 1,000 musicians to help bring attention to the issues around the mine and the great cultures that will be lost if the Pebble Mine goes forward. Members are writing songs and spreading the word through their social media networks and publicity appearances.   We will continue to collect and share new songs from musician members, create new projects, grow the network and organize our audiences to become an action force to stop the Pebble Mine!


Why we‘re doing it

Musicians can participate not only with their creative spirit, but with the power of their networks. You are at this page because you belong to those networks.  We want you to know about this issue, spread the word and enjoy being part of a musical force that is harnessing our collective power to stand up to these insanely greedy corporations.

Music has the power to change the world, and to stop the Pebble Mine.  But we cannot do it without you.  Please donate what you can today.

$12,791.33 / $11,291.00