Miles Davis Way Beautification 2022
Since 2016, our volunteers have been beautifying and maintaining the tree beds along West 77th St. between West End Ave.and Riverside Drive, aka Miles Davis Way, bringing joy to passersby and building community.
Amy Solas
Miles Davis Way, West 77th St. between WEA and RSD New York, NY 10024
About the project
Now entering our seventh season, we once again plan to beautify our block by planting in our expanded and fenced tree beds, and maintaining them throughout the year. In addition to giving volunteers of all ages the opportunity to connect with nature and nurture growing things, we are also promoting environmental stewardship. Larger tree beds divert storm runoff. Denser and healthier tree canopies keep temperatures down during the summer and reduce CO2 emissions. Our work serves as a model for other buildings and blocks.
The Steps
January 2022 — tree bed repairs and repainting by Curb Allure
March and April — Produce and replace donor plaques, replace battered "no dogs" signs
April and May -- Purchase plants, soil, mulch; recruit volunteers
May and June — Publicize and hold planting days
May through October -- Maintain tree beds through regular watering, trash removal and weeding
December — Leaf cleanup
January 2023 — Participate in Mulchfest: drop off Christmas trees in Riverside Park and spread the resulting mulch in the beds
Why we‘re doing it
In 2015, Rob decided it was time to improve our beautiful block’s sad look. He recruited Amy, who lives across the street, who in turn recruited her neighbor John, who had independently been eyeing improvements to the long-neglected tree bed in front of their building. In the course of exploring how to effectively and responsibly beautify our block, we learned from the Parks Dept. that the most important thing we could do was expand the size of our tree beds and put tree guards around them, thus helping ensure the long-term health of our trees.
In 2016, we raised close to $30,000 from residents of the block for tree bed expansion, custom-made tree guards, and tools and materials for planting in our newly enlarged and protected tree beds. We raised funds again in 2018 and, now, we are asking you once again to support our annual tree bed planting and maintenance efforts. (We have also received generous in-kind support from our friends at Curb Allure and a matching grant from Con Ed's Power Up program.)
Now entering our seventh season, we continue to attract new volunteers and see the cumulative benefits of our work. Not only has the curb appeal of our block improved dramatically, we have:
- Promoted environmental stewardship
- Facilitated important social ties among neighbors who otherwise would never have met
- Welcomed volunteers from 4 years of age to 90+
- Served as a model block for the Parks Dept. by promoting best practices for tree bed planting and maintenance
- Inspired neighboring buildings to enlarge, protect and beautify their tree beds
- Brought beauty and joy to passersby
- Reduced the dog waste and trash in our tree beds
- Created thriving ecosystems that include earthworms, lady bugs, caterpillars, and slugs -- in formerly inhospitable soil -- which have in turn attracted blue jays, robins and sparrows in search of food