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Manchester Growing Together Garden Greenhouse

Growing good food and health into the food deserts of the Northside.


Lisa Freeman


Liverpool Street Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Impact areas

About the project

We are reestablishing our impact to feed our neighbors during this year of COVID-19 economic distress. We’re building up our bodies, and our community, with everyone coming together as neighbors.

This past Spring we installed a large green house to start our growing season early and be able to grow year round.

Now, we're raising donations to buy a greenhouse heater in order to extend the growing season to a year-round venture to provide healthy food for vulnerable food desert residents.

Donations will also support purchase a commercial dehydrator to ensure that nutrient-dense, value-added foods can be produced to nourish and offer choices to residents who often go to high caloric fast food options.

Donations are doubled right now, so give today for your funds to go their farthest!


The Steps

Manchester Growing Together will install the greenhouse heater in fall 2020. Find us on Facebook to learn about volunteer opportunities!

Why we‘re doing it

We are setting our roots into our community and our future generations. We’re building up our bodies and our community, with everybody coming together as neighbors in a time when sharing resources is so critical to respond to urgent needs caused by the impacts of COVID-19. 

$3,960.00 / $3,960.00