Love Your Street Tree Day 2018
Cleaning and Greening NYC one street tree at a time! Our Fourth Annual community Spring cleanup and planting day brings awareness to the importance of caring for NYC's street trees in a fun multigenerational event.
Melissa Elstein
145 W 84th Street New York, NY 10024
About the project
At this fun and educational environmental community event, participants will receive free gardening goodie bags, soil, tools, and a Love Your Street Tree Day "curb your dog" sign, as well as other items helpful for street tree stewardship.
Proper Street tree care will be demonstrated by NYC Parks Department, Trees NY and Goddard Riverside Greenkeepers.
Students will present on the NYC problem of combined sewage overflow and how our street trees can help reduce pollution into our waterways.
The Steps
Participants will steward NYC street tree beds in their neighborhood- whether it is a tree they have already cared for or other trees in their neighborhoods.
Why we‘re doing it
We are cleaning up the local street tree beds, cultivating the soil and planting flowers, in order to keep the NYC street trees healthy, remove litter, prevent plastic pollution from entering our waterways, improve soil permeability to help reduce sewage and other pollutants from entering our waterways during storms and to create a beautiful aesthetic in our neighborhoods.