project leader
Jennie F
2216 Pot Spring Road
(Northern Baltimore County)
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the project

We would like to make a different kind of local community directory by interviewing local business owners and managers, and including pictures and personal information. We have formed a group of middle and high school students who will go out into the community and gain cooperation for our project. We hope to use this directory to encourage residents to shop loally and strengthen our local economy. 

the steps

9/13 - 12/13 - Interview business owners and managers.

12/13-1/14  - Assemble Directory

2/14 - Print and distribute

why we're doing it

This is a project we are very passionate about. Year after year we have seen small businesses in our community close because people just won't try anything new. These were good businesses, sometimes owned by members of our own community. While we have made every effort to support local businesses, without the support of the entire community, it has been very difficult to make a difference. We are hoping that a local directory will give us the voice we have been looking for and bring our neighbors together to strengthen our local economy.


The entire project budget will be used to print the directory.

ioby Platform Fee


3rd Party Credit Card Processing Fee (3%)





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This is where photos will go once we build flickr integration


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