Let's build a healthier, greener Brownsville
Let's empower students & families in central Brooklyn's food deserts to beautify, compost, build edible gardens & healthy places & joyful farm stands to turn gray into green
About the project
Tastes of Brooklyn customers: enter the correct donation amount to cover the ticket cost of your choice - special early bird discount of $20 (3 tastes for $20) or regular price (1 ticket of 4 tastes - $35, 2 tickets of 8 - $70, 3 tickets of 12 tastes - $100) and you will be automatically enrolled in a raffle for a free Tastes of Brooklyn ticket!
Help us empower students, schools and residents in central Brooklyn's low-income, food-insecure neighborhoods create healthier places to live and learn. The funds will help us engage youth in the underserved neighborhoods of Brownsville and Crown Heights and teach and expand environmental justice by growing gardens, beautifying schools and streets.
The Steps
June 2- June 30th - Meet with school leaders and community members to set schedules and hire market managers from the community who can lead greening.
July - Train garden managers and also chart out their greening projects. Meet with Charity Baptist Church to plan a greening event on Watkins Street, and a community dinner to engage neighbors.
Aug & Sept - Hold greening events!
Why we‘re doing it
Central Brooklyn is one of three neighborhoods with the highest rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and deaths from Covid-19. Brownsville is plagued by crime, violence and mental health trauma. Their streets are gray and littered and schools need support to teach composting, gardening, and how to create a greener, healthier place to be. There are few healthy businesses run by local residents. More than 80 percent of the schoolchildren are eligible for free and reduced lunch. Nearly one fifth of the residents have diabetes, and the communities are traumatized by high death rates from the pandemic. We believe residents in these communities are fully capable of changing their environments to healthy and green. They just need a helping hands. So, we will empower them to grow farm markets and gardens to broaden environmental awareness and overcome food insecurity and injustice.