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L9SL 2016 Book Parade

A parade that will allow children from all over town to participate for free, involve all members of the community and give out books to those who need them the most.


Laurence Copel


1712 OC Haley Blvd New Orleans, LA 70113

About the project

Thank you all so much for helping us achieve our goal. This page is no longer taking donations however if you would still like to contribute either money, books or your time, you can do so through our website at
Much love - The Book Lady :)

Every year since 2013 Street Library produces a children's book parade.  Children from some of the most at risk neighborhood in New Orleans (such as the Lower Ninth ward) get to participate in a real New Orleans style parade where they dress up as their favorite story character and hand out books to other children along the route.

Thousands of books are distributed and the number of books goes up each year.

This year's parade will be in Central City, home to several housing projects and thousands of kids in need of books. We need funds to pay for the mandatory police escort, musicians, repairs to our float and the bookmobile.

The Steps

Secure a route and get approval for all the stops needed

Obtain city permit and pay for police escort

Secure bands for the event

Obtain signed registration forms  from all children wishing to attend

Getting the floats and vehicles fixed and ready to roll.

Making sure we have enough books

Secure refreshments for young paraders

Ensure everyone has fun!!!


Why we‘re doing it

New Orleans has several dubious records

The highest rate of children dropping out of high school in the nation.

Highest rate of crime per capita

Highest rate of incarceration in the world.

No bookmobile or library outreach service except for the #NOLABOOKLADY#

Study after study shows that children who have books in their home do better, in school and in life. The parade is a fun way to adapt local culture to promote literacy.

$2,970.00 / $2,610.00