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Kids Kreative Kooking Klub

Students will learn how to prepare healthy snacks and meals using organic fruits and vegetables grown in the school garden.



Kendall Munson


951 Chelsea Memphis, TN 38107

About the project

Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary School broke ground for the school/community garden in May of 2014. The foods that are harvested from the garden are for the students and the community at large. It is our wish to educate our students about different recipes that they can use at home with their families.

The Steps

While in the classroom setting, students will learn about the food growing process from the seed to harvesting. The students will journal their experiences throughout the process. Once the fruits and vegetables are harvested, the students will participate in a series of taste tests where they will prepare no heat dishes.

Why we‘re doing it

Most urban neighborhoods in Memphis don’t have access to a traditional grocery store that offers fresh and affordable food. The Klondike-Smokey City community where Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary School is located is no exception to this fact. Studies show that people who live in communities without supermarkets, often dubbed food deserts, have higher rates of obesity, diabetes, renal failure, cardiovascular disease and other diet-related health problems. Through our Kids Kreative Kooking Klub we will address these issues that plague the students we serve at Caldwell-Guthrie Elementary School.

$1,584.00 / $927.00