Homewood's Backyard Market
To connect, engage, and educate the Homewood community in entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyles, and culture.
Lauren (Laurenzo) Hogan
7139 Frankstown pittsburgh, PA 15235
Impact areas
About the project
Homewood’s Backyard Market Has been working hard to provide the Homewood community an outdoor marketplace in hopes of turning Homewood into a thriving self sustaining black neighborhood. With the completion of our trial start up in 2018 Homewoods Backyard Market is still looking for ways to engage, educate, and connect the Homewood community through entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyle advocations and art.
In partnership the the Harambee Ujima Black Arts and Culture Association (HUBACA) a cultural collaboration that advocates and advances the Black Arts Movement in order to preserve and advance all forms of Black Art for the next generation; to re-establish pride and dignity in Black diaspora communities. In accordance with (HUBACA) mission, Homewood’s Backyard Market wants to use this market has the next phase in rebuilding black pride and dignity back into the Homewood community. With the market providing Homewood access to limited resources such as fresh produce to improve Homewoods food desert issues, opportunity to make profit without leaving their own community, and creating avenues to rebuilt the social fabric among residents in the community through art. Homewoods Backyard Market is confident this Market will fit perfectly into the Homewood community.
The Steps
Finding Vendors: cant have a market without vendors the market will look for vendors who are primarily in the homewood community but will also bring in other vendors/businesses from other parts of town to give residents variety. This also includes
Creating vendor applications, waivers/indemnifications, vendor code of conduct
Reaching out and putting applications into the hands of residents, business owners, etc
Making sure to receive proper payment for vending fee and maing sure applications are filled out properly
Marketing: with the location of the market being surrounded by a lot of local/city businesses and is a residential neighborhood our marketing strategy will focus primarily in the Homewood community itself through the means of community outreach and engagement such as going to local community meetings/gatherings/events, sending out mailing list, posting/ handing out flyers and door hangers as well asf
The Homewoods Backyard Market Facebook page
The City’s paper
Creating email lists
Sending emails
Include the market on the college email newsletters as well as on individual merchant’s email lists
(Nominal Charge)
Signage at the event
Vacant Lot Clean up/Maintenance: Since the market property is outdoors it requires a lot of attention. Even more so since a house use to sit on the property itself. Work that needs done on the propety is:
Trash clean up
Planting garden
So having bi weekly workdays are a must. We utilize a mobile tool truck from GroundedPGH for tools but receiving help on scheduled work days is inconsistent so to get help with clean up and maintenance we must:t
Keep people in email lists/e-newsletters/ social media/ anyone willing to volunteer updated on upcoming work days
Schedulng work days at least 4 months in advance
Connecting to landscapers and outdoorsy people who like this type of work
Keeping in contact with other local non profits to try and organize joint clean up days
Why we‘re doing it
The 3 main driving forces for establishing an Outdoor Marketplace in Homewood are:
Making fresh produce available to residents: Although there are multpile food establishments and convenience stores in Homewood. The residents still have to leave their community if they want to buy quality fresh foods. Although a family dollar was built in the community, commercial chains such as those that don't supply many natural, healthy food options. In addition making fresh produce available allows us to also inform and educate residents who don't understand the importance of eating natural fresh foods to help educate them and get them to make better eating choices
Providing entrepreneurial outlets and opportunities for residents: Everyone in Homewood is always trying to make a quick buck. From the many business owners in the community, families that live in the community that are trying to clear some items out their garage, to the jitney drivers looking for rides, to the people who stand on the corner all day. The attitude is “There’s money to be made”. Providing this outlet for people to come and sell their products, art, business goods/ services, etc. Is essential to creating economic independence within this community. Which will help residents connect, create bigger networks, and generate a rotating revenue within the community and amongst themselves. It also supplies more resources to other residents in the community as well.
Education and Art:
Education: The more you know the more you grow. The only way the Homewood community can progress towards self sustainability is for its residents to become more informed about the how to better themselves, make profit from home, learning what's happening in their own community and how utilizing the resources available to them can help to move toward personal growth and well being.
Art: Art is our economic generator. Not only does it give residents exposure to different narratives, cultures, talents. Art provides excitement and engagement for all types of people. Art allows our vendors access to more business and gives event goers a fun community orientated space that will highlight the community in a positive manner.