From Homeless to a Home!!!.
Help us provide housewarming baskets to women transistioning from homelessness to permanaent housing.
Cinceray CLINTON
2227 Payne ave Cleveland , OH 44114
About the project
I am hoping to encourage women so they know when they leave shelters and move into their apartment they are not alone, I can relate to them and, with the help of my 13 year old daughter, want to give a basket a month with personal and cleaning supplies, towel and sheet sets, a throw blanket, dishes and pots. All things to get them started in their new home.
The Steps
I'll make my list, go shopping, prepare the baskets with my 13 year old daughter and I would like to give the basket to the shelter once a month I have done the first basket for January I'll need the next basket by Feburary 13, 2019
Why we‘re doing it
It will help the women with a fresh start and giving them the essentials needed for their fresh start on the road to NEW BEGINNINGS!!!.