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Herbalism scholarship fund

We are creating structures that funnel access to skills, information, and resources back to the people it came from. This scholarship is for budding indigenous and BIPOC herbalists in Greater Cincinnati.


Lauren Frederick


North Bend Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45239

About the project

Herbalism has surged in popularity. Across the country new schools and practitioners are reviving traditions that we haven’t had great access to in our area since the Eclectic Medical Institute in Cincinnati, the last school of herbal medicine, closed in 1939. Countless folk and tribal practices declined as well, as communities with rich herbal histories struggled to find access to land and traditions. Those community-based practices are the heartbeat of modern herbalism. We need more people with traditional knowledge working in their communities during this revival of herbalism and natural wellness.

We are partnering with ioby to start a scholarship fund. Our goal is to send people from underrepresented groups to an established, in-person, herbal medicine school with the funds for tuition, and additional money to assist with living expenses. Please consider donating or attending a class with us at Tikkun Farm to help raise money for our 2024 scholarship fund.

The Steps

Most of the work needs to happen prior to receiving funds. 2023 goals include:
1. Creating a diverse advisory committee
2. Researching appropriate herbal schools and the areas they are in
3. Asking schools if they would consider offering reduced tuition
4. Creating and distributing the scholarship application
5. Reviewing applicants and awarding the scholarship in the beginning of 2024

Why we‘re doing it

Groundwork Herbs was started to increase access to medicinal herbs and knowledge about medicinal herbs in southwest Ohio. We believe that creating supportive structures that funnel access to skills, information, and resources back to the people it came from is foundational to a healthy and thriving community.

$16,304.00 still needed of $16,304.00