Healing Justice Track at the 19th Allied Media Conference
Healing Justice Track
495 W Ferry Ave Detroit, MI 48202
About the project
For more info and to attend Allied Media Conference 2017 - https://www.alliedmedia.org/amc
The Steps
Once we obtain the funds we will purchase the supplies for NADA Ear practitioners, presentation supplies like large poster paper, markers and snacks for the practice space, and to help fund one of the co-coordinator's with travel costs.
For more info about NADA - https://www.acudetox.com
Why we‘re doing it
Shifting the dominant narrative around health, wellness, and healing. We ask and explore who has access to these things, and how do we access the wisdom and knowledge of our bodies and each other as our greatest source of healing. Healing as non-linear and culturally relevant, nurturing and sustaining quality lives. Gaining access to healing, healith, and wellness conversations and services often requires people to travel outside of the city. We want to offer wellness conversations and services during this conference in the middle of Detroit.