Healing Justice @ 20th Annual Allied Media Conference
The HJ Track and Practice Space center abundance at the intersection of intergenerational trauma, current structures of oppression, and a generative and co-created future.
Sara Green
42 W Warren Ave Detroit, MI 48202
About the project
The AMC Healing Justice Track and Practice Space are separate but collaborating entities of Detroit and National folk with a shared vision. We acknowledge and uphold that AMC is happening on Anishinaabe land in a predominantly Black city. Our Track and Practice Space center Indigenous, People of Color, queer, trans/ gnc and disabled voices and experiences, and affirm that this work is rooted in the lineage of those communities*. We see Healing Justice as the practice of movement towards abundance at the intersection of intergenerational trauma, current structures of oppression, and a generative and co-created future. We hold that joy and pleasure create possibility to be in right relationship with ourselves, each other, our land, and our spirits. We strive to demystify medicine and healing, and to make them accessible to everyone. We believe that each person is an expert of their own experience, body and needs, and that ultimately it is necessary to address the roots of trauma and injustice for individual and collective transformation.
*We are in ongoing process about the choices of language we have used here, and various potential impacts of that. Please feel free to be in contact with feelings, thoughts, questions, feedback.
The Healing Justice Track (HJT) supports interactive workshops that integrate spirit, mind, and body. It hopes that AMCers come away with new critical understandings of trauma and resilience, connection with other healers, and/or framework(s) in Healing Justice and its history/future. Co-coordinators: Griffen Jeffries, Sara Green, and Marcia Lee.
The Healing Justice Practice Space (HJPS) is co-created with health and healing practitioners who will offer group-based healing modalities/ services during AMC. Co-coordinators: Violeta Donawa, Adela Nieves Martinez, Chiara Galimberti, and Carmen Malis-King
The Steps
Once we obtain the funds, we will purchase the supplies for: health and healing practitioners; presentation supplies like large poster paper, markers and snacks for the practice space; practitioner materials such as yoga mats, NADA ear acupuncture supplies, printing, pillows, plants, etc; and to assist national co-coordinators' with travel costs.
Why we‘re doing it
Shifting the dominant narrative around health, wellness, and healing. We ask and explore who has access to these things, and how do we access the wisdom and knowledge of our bodies and each other as our greatest source of healing. We see healing as non-linear and culturally relevant, nurturing and sustaining quality lives. Gaining access to healing, healith, and wellness conversations and services often requires people to travel outside of the city. We want to offer wellness conversations and services during this conference in the middle of Detroit.