Friends of the Mode House
Help us purchase this historic home from the current owner/developer so we can preserve the history of our community.
Jennifer Daywalt
120 North Brandywine Ave Modena, PA 19358
About the project
The Mode House, located at 120 North Brandywine Ave, was built in the late 1790's early 1800's. The Mode House, also known as the McCain Property in most recent years, is the epicenter of Modena history. The Borough of Modena has been given an opportunity to purchase this property from the current owners. This is where we need you, our friends, community members, neighbors to help us out. We recently signed a MOU (memorandum of understanding) effective May 1st 2019, that states the current owner will put their current development plans on hold, to allow us time to raise funds to purchase the property. We have SIX MONTHS to raise the funds. We will be working closely with local and state agencies, private groups, and our community to apply for grants and fundraising. The Borough does not have the funds to purchase the property with our budget. All funds must be raised. How much do we need? The answer is......$52,000. The Borough of Modena and Historical Commission has a big job on our hands. We hope you will find it in your hearts to help us preserve this piece of Modena, Chester County, Pennsylvania history. Thank you!!
The Steps
We have 6 months beginning May 1,2019 to raise $52,000 do we're can purchase this property.
Why we‘re doing it
We are doing this to preserve our local history!