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Free Breakfast Weekend Program

"Fighting community at a time."


Sonsehia Marshall


973 Alice Ave. Memphis, TN 38106

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About the project

The Free Breakfast Weekend Program has been implemented to ensure that children enjoy a nutritious breakfast on the weekends.  The FBWP refers to a meal service model where children gather at a local community center during a two-hour slot to enjoy a nutritious breakfast.  This model can be particularly effective for students in the chosen communities who engage in early morning activities and need a healthy start. The first community that we served was the Douglass Community in North Memphis.  For many of our children in certain communities, school meals may be the only meals they eat. What happens when they go home over the weekend? One of the goals of the Free Breakfast Weekend Program is to protect our children from hunger on weekends by surrounding them with nutritious meals where they live, learn, and play.

The Steps

The Free Breakfast Program will also become a platform to briefly discuss the mission and vision of Crusade For Change and how these ideas guide our project selections. Moreover, the goal is to fellowship with the residents and stakeholders in the Pine Hill community and inform them of the health benefits of a nutritious breakfast. In order to ensure that this project is successful, our team created a timeline for this project. This timeline is mapped as follows:

  • Identify the community in need ( February 2018)
  • Decide which community center is suitable for the Free Breakfast Weekend Program (February 2018)
  • Meet with the Community Center Director at Pine Hill Community Center to secure the venue as well as a date for the event (March 2018)
  • Select volunteers and provide information about the project date and logistical information regarding the event (March 2018)
  •  Order and prepare marketing materials (April 2018)
  • Distribute marketing materials throughout the community, specifically to the homes of residents, surrounding businesses, neighborhood associations’ headquarters, schools, and Pine Hill Community Center.  (April/May 2018)
  • Meet with the Community Center Director, staff, neighborhood associations, and volunteers regarding preparation before the event (2 meetings, late April 2018 and early May 2018)
  • Purchase food items, decorations, and utensils (Weeks of May 13-May 25, 2018)
  • Event Day—May 26, 2018 9:00am-11:00am


Why we‘re doing it

When children miss a healthy morning breakfast, they tend to suffer from stomachaches, headaches, depression, anxiety, and a decreased ability to focus.  Children who participate in the Free Breakfast Weekend Program are more likely to consume important vitamins and minerals. As a result of the Free Breakfast Weekend Program, we will see a decrease in symptoms of hunger as well as decreasing the food insecurity risk of children.

As a Special Education teacher that has served and taught only in underprivileged neighborhoods, I immediately recognized specific challenges while teaching at Hamilton High School. Students often confided in me that they faced many hungry evenings after school and on weekends. These conversations, led me to aggressively begin compiling ideas for my nonprofit organization, which is now Crusade for Change.

The FBWP addresses the need of poverty and hunger in distressed communities. The South Memphis community near Pine Hill has faced many challenges over the years and contributes to the 22.1 percent rate of food insecurity for Memphis/Shelby County.  Some of the issues include but are not limited to struggling families who are living well below the poverty line, the emergence of a great deal of abandoned buildings and homes, and high crime rates.  

Crusade for Change implemented its first FBWP at Douglass Community Center. The project was a huge success and the families of the Douglass community enjoyed a tasty and nutritious breakfast. It is our goal to ensure that the families in the Pine Hill area of South Memphis will benefit from the services of the FBWP and strong collaborations are formed to continue to build and stabilize the community.

$225.00 / $225.00