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Food for Thought

Students will create and maintain a vegetable garden, and develop awareness in healthful eating habits and a respect for the earth that provides us food.


Walter Ditman


49th St. between 5th Ave and Vernon Ave Queens, NY 11101

Impact areas

About the project

Students will start a vegetable garden to grow their own vegetables using sustainable farming methods. These methods promote healthy insect and animal life and enrich the soil with natural fertilizer, thus promoting biodiversity in our local community. We will grow a variety of vegetables because a diverse crop yield provides improved nutrition and better health for all.

The Steps

Our fifth grade class was granted a small (15' x 8') plot of land to grow vegetables in a nearby community garden. Students will start growing vegetables in March in the classroom, from organic seeds. At the same time, students will begin to produce compost in the classroom by starting a worm bin to which they will add food scraps from the school cafeteria. (The compost will be used later on to fertilize the garden vegetables.) After they have prepared the ground in our community garden plot, students in early April will transplant the seedlings that will have grown from the seeds planted in our classroom. Students will monitor and maintain the vegetable garden three to four times a week through watering, fertilizing, weeding and pruning. Most of the vegetables will be harvested by students by mid-June.

Why we‘re doing it

The environmental problem our project will address is the loss of biodiversity due to industrial farming. Industrial farming, with its use of big farm machines and toxic chemicals/pesticides, promises bigger crop yields. However, these chemicals kill helpful plants and insects and damage the soil. Mega farms usually produce only one crop and for only a short time period.

$375.00 / $375.00