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Feed Our Babies Pantry

Our newly secured pantry is in need of a little TLC. Help us revamp our pantry so that we can open our doors to feed more AZ families!


Tanya Hudson


3313 N. 40th St. Phoenix, AZ 85018

About the project

Feed Our Babies USA (FOB) has been helping feed thousands of families in need throughout the year, all without a location! FOB provides fresh; healthy fruits and vegetables (organic, when possible); and minimally processed foods; to food insecure families. We have the goal to feed over 5,000 families this year and need your help to open the Community Pantry.

Your support will: 

  • Help us feed more than 100 families weekly
  • Give us a suitable working space to run our Programs
  • Enhance our efforts in creating a sustainable solution so no child goes to school or bed hungry

FOB has already created a strong network for consistent food donations from local farms and businesses AND we have secured a pantry to run our Programs. The only thing that is needed is support to renovate our Community Pantry so that we can expand our Programs to serve more families in need.

Summer is a critical time for having support for our families. When school is out of session, there is an increased burden on families to provide all the meals at home. This can be a challenge for many families. Our Programs help to reduce the number of children and families that will go without food because of financial challenges. FOB also provides foods that promote health and nutrition to those who normally do not have access or cannot afford healthy quality foods. The Community Pantry will also be a place for families to learn about the benefits of healthy foods with tips on how to prepare meals without waste.

The Steps

Our goal is to open the doors to a fully functional Community Pantry; feeding families throughout the week. 

With your contributuion, we will:

1. Rewire electrical to support the refridgerator and freezers so that we can provide more than boxed food items. We are committed to providing fresh, healthy food from local farms.

2. Install durable and clean flooring. Sanitation is a priority! Our volunteers have already ripped out the carpet and padding. We are ready to install as soon as we receive the funding! 

3. Layout our pantry workspace. We will be working with an interior designer to maximize the use of our space to include areas for food storage and work stations for our Programs (Weekend Meals, School Lunches).

4. Set up a Grand Opening Day! 

Why we‘re doing it

It is shocking that children are going to school hungry; shocking that they will save their donated meals to take back to their families at home. Through our Community Leaders, FOB is identifying families that are in temporary need of help. These families due to their circumstances do not qualify for government support. FOB helps families during these stressful times with the abundance of support from our partners within the community. We're engaging the community to help us address food insecurity. However, the need is vast and it takes a community to ensure that every child that is hungry will have a healthy meal to eat. Help us ensure that no child goes to bed hungry, we can't do this work alone! 

$4,256.00 / $4,155.00