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Farm City

Educational programs investigate urban agricultural practices in which farmers, environmentalists, architects & artists share experience, skills & intentions.


Derek Denckla


Brooklyn Brooklyn, NY 11231

Impact areas

About the project

Imaginative research projects and engaging educational events are a direct way to help tackle local issues and increase awareness of environmental and social problems caused by a flawed food system. By exploring new ways of developing urban agriculture projects through arts, architecture, design, discourse and cuisine, Farm City aims to promote transformation and inventiveness in accessible, practical ways. Farm City's first project will will unfold over the course of three weeks: September 12 - 25, 2010 exploring an agrarian future within the current urban reality. Components include: Farm City Fair, Farm City Film, Farm City Tour, and Farm City Forum, spotlighting the work of artists, farmers, activists, planners, architects, chefs, and foodies, all devoting themselves to feeding the city both culturally and agriculturally.

The Steps

We will hold a fundraising event to push our campaign on 9/24. In partnership with FIAF, we will produce a day-long harvest Fair: a multi-sensory exploration of work and produce of Brooklyn farms -- free to the public -- co-produced with GreenThumb, Brooklyn Food Coalition, Just Food and others. On 9/14, we will screen "The Gleaners and I" and prompt discussions about food waste and foraging. We will plan routes and activities for Brooklyn farm tours 9/18+19. We will select and install artwork for Brooklyn Utopias: Farm City at Old Stone House Gallery, opening 9/17, displaying projects that imagine growing food in unusual places or non-traditional ways. We will invite speakers and plan proceedings for a Forum 9/25 that aims to further the dialogue about the future of agriculture within the City. We will launch a website, FarmCity.US, that will allow the public to track our events and follow the progress of the project. We will contact international organizations doing similar work to make connections at an upcoming gathering of MetroAg Innoversity on 9/28.

Why we‘re doing it

The world is poised at a moment of awareness about the frailty of the fast money, extractive, petroleum-based economic systems that brings increasing numbers of people to live in urban areas which may not be able to sustain their inhabitants in the near future. Urban agriculture poses one major way to provide inexpensive, sustainable innovations addressing pending crises of obesity, diabetes, and food security as well as looming crises that may arise from potential environmental trends such as elevating sea levels, reduced soil fertility, decreasing energy resources and expanding population.

$3,240.00 / $3,240.00